Reviews for Parasol
William G. Thorne chapter 1 . 12/9/2010
I like that the entire poem is about this Parasol and the young woman who is holding it. the descriptions are lovely. I wonder if there is a girl this vibrant out there thats not made of plastic.

lipleaf chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
I really like the ending of this. The tone of "O to be that parasol" feels somewhat archaic and almost like an observation, rather than a longing. The flat tone of it adds an interesting depth. The repetition of the lines "in the..." feels wistful and nostalgic to me, especially with the "something lost" that comes before it. It creates an interesting contrast between the two parts. Reading this makes me feel a bit melancholic, like sadness for something lost or forgotten.
Slightly Ajar chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
Very original, Renee! (ps, this is Emma on my other account) I would never have thought of something like this! Great job! chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
This is so pretty, you can picture it perfectly! Great imagery you got there (: KEEP AT IT.

Noir Schist chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
I liked the descriptions, imagery and feeling in it so much that it's become one of my favourites~ I feel that it's a bit short, though, and some more descriptions could have done good. Other than, I love it, and the last stanza is just beautiful.
thisisgonnagetugly chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
This was very well written! It was a cute snippet and I really liked it. I wish you could make this into a story or something, but I do love the way this was written. Very enjoyable:)