Reviews for Rebel
ChampagneFaery chapter 22 . 3/10/2011
I love this story. I would love it a whole lot more if you updated soon. Please!
bridgettblah chapter 22 . 3/10/2011
YAY! Another chapter! Wow, the stuff they get into. This is gonna be bad xD Update soon?
Insanity Streak chapter 22 . 3/9/2011
Yay! A chapter. I'm very glad you updated- I thought you forgot us :( haha. This chapter was very riveting and I finished reading this chapter in five to eight minutes. So, good job there.

My constructive criticism starts here: firstly, where is the story going? I feel as if you are stretching out this one bit and I'm sure you can move on with the story somehow. Plus, where are you other characters? What has happened to Leah's brother? What has happened to Leah's friends? I also think you need to put some more explanation into the story. I'm a little lost as to where we are and what is happening. I think some clarification is needed.

Keep writing, and update soon please :DD
Ms. Writes a Lot chapter 22 . 3/9/2011
awsome as usual :)
Queen.Of.Cupcakes chapter 22 . 3/9/2011
:) Haha loved it! Someone's in trouble...
Insanity Streak chapter 21 . 2/21/2011
YAY! An update. I really loved this chapter! The last part of it was so intense and when Ryan came back into the picture, I was thinking, "finally"

You cleared up some things in this chapter that I wasn't really understanding and who is Emma?

Also, will Leah EVER get new clothes haha.

Great chapter, I really enjoyed this one- its getting somewhere. Update soon, or I'll die :D
Queen.Of.Cupcakes chapter 21 . 2/21/2011
I love it ) It's well written with great action scenes and a great romance(;
bridgettblah chapter 21 . 2/21/2011
Ah oh em ge I love Ryan xD
Ms. Writes a Lot chapter 20 . 2/9/2011
awsome! and u mentioned me at the thing in the bottom:D :) thx for updating :) but now that u have, u know what i'm gonna say again...update soon! :P

p.s. this was awsome :)
Insanity Streak chapter 20 . 2/4/2011
Wow, it has been a long time since you have updated. I had to go back and see where I was up to in the story.

This was a funny chapter, but my only issue is the length of the chapter. I feel as if the chapters are starting to become what used to be half chapters and the like. I get that school stuff comes up and that you don't have the time to write a substantial amount in so little time, but as a reader I expected a longer chapter for waiting for an extended amount of time. If its because you have writer's block, then you might have to put the story on hold for a little while before you can start writing and start planning where you're going to take your story from here on.

On a lighter note, it's still fabulous that you can still uphold the same humourous banter between Leah and Ryan.

So, I hope you can update sooner and that they are longer.

As usual, RYAN ROCKS!
Reve4ever chapter 20 . 2/2/2011
lol She finally gets to shopping for clothes. Make the next chapter soon :) awesome story
Bookfreak30987 chapter 20 . 2/2/2011
this is the best story ive read in a long time! ugh i just wanna read more plz update soon! :)
bridgettblah chapter 20 . 2/2/2011
Oh yay! I missed you! Dont take so long next time xD
anonymous chapter 20 . 2/2/2011
I wouldn't kill you! Although I can't say that I'm not proud that you think so much of my stalker abilities to imply that I would be able to find you. I wouldn't. So much for a stalker, right? What kinda stalker admits that they suck as a stalker? Not that I've ever actually stalked someone-eh huh-um que awkward silence. Nah, I'm joking-guess I'm in too good a mood for reprimanding you. Okay, back to the serious part-no matter how much I hate this part. So great writing, decent grammar, and a little short, but you know, that's just my OCD side kicking in. Just don't forget about us poor readers of yours and UPDATE! Keep up the good work. Peace out!
AMZIEXXX chapter 19 . 1/13/2011

You updated!

Awsome story by the wait and can't wait for the next chapter!


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