Reviews for Hunters Moon
Shadows In The Darkness chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
And here I am, urging you to update because I like it. But take your time if you must...That's a lie. Update soon. Please?
romanceaddict chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
i liked it so far except i think it would make more sense if evelyn said "i'll call an amubulance" or something along those lines when she first met him instead of taking him home with her. and if he didnt want to go he could have said "no hospitals" with no explanation or lied and said "i cant go i dont have insurance." i also dont think she should have laid down with him, would you lay down with a guy you barely knew who had said he loved you and sacred you?
SassyGrl chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
UPDATE! this is good but it was odd how she didn't inquire where he lived. This is fantasy so is he a creature or
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