Reviews for The Love that was Forgotten
journeyoflife chapter 6 . 9/10/2010
it was good.

i don't understand everything with tristan and nathan but i'm sure i will eventually.

i am quite excited for the next chapter
journeyoflife chapter 5 . 9/7/2010
hmm her and Tristan, weird.

sweet i suppose, ut what made him evil?

what's going to happen?

next chapter please
journeyoflife chapter 4 . 9/7/2010
it's getting so good.

why does she think it's her fault?

uh his brother! it's his brother who gets added to this little love thing!
journeyoflife chapter 3 . 9/4/2010
Okay honestly i didn't like reading a whole big paragraph, i wish it was spaced out more, but it's really good.

it's weird when i first started reading this chapter, people kept talking to me, yet now no one is.

i think her and Nathan would be adorable together, i really can't wait to see what happens.

please the next chapter soon.
journeyoflife chapter 2 . 9/1/2010
honestly still confused, but less then i was before.

but yeah, i guess it's good this way because i won't just stop reading it, until i know the answers.

can't wait for the next chapter.
journeyoflife chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
Okay so i'm just going to come right out and say it, i am confused,as to what is happening, and what her power is, and all that.

but it's really interesting, i still don't get it but i'm going to guess her powers have something to do with feeling alone and what happened with the comet. but hopefully i will know, soon enough.

who's she going to fall in love with, at first i though Nathan but now Lucifer but i think there's something about Lucifer that is yet to be discovered.

ah, i'm going to go crazy, please i can't wait for the next chapter.