Reviews for Fighting for my Life
Angel-B-15 chapter 26 . 12/29/2010
I have just finished reading this. I'm more then intreaged to know what happened next? I'm going through the stage's just before this right now and this has actualy helped me alot. thank you

XOXO Angel B
bridgettblah chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
Is this real? My God...If its not, your an amazing writer, if it is, you've been through/ going through, shit and your an amazing writer.
MusicKillsThePain chapter 23 . 11/23/2010
I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this.
OneToastyBaguette chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
yup, i can already see that this is going to make me cry. i've been through this, only without people to talk to about it.
merch chapter 19 . 11/10/2010
I find it sad that this story doesn't have more reviews.

Keep it up.
merch chapter 17 . 11/8/2010
Splendid. Please continue; I look forward to more chapters.