Reviews for Waxing Gibbous |
PallasAthena123 chapter 16 . 3/28/2015 This is really, really good! I wish it were finished :( |
AriTakahashi chapter 16 . 1/25/2014 MORE PLEASE! |
JustAnEnding chapter 16 . 3/30/2012 Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it! |
sherrylynn chapter 16 . 9/20/2011 Wow this is a really good story |
teeREX chapter 16 . 7/21/2011 Really liking this |
Bluecoco100 chapter 16 . 7/19/2011 oh no! soren is only interested because he has tegan's blood in him? Say it isn't so! I wonder how he would react to her when the blood has worn off... tegan must be devastated. that sucks! I love this story so much! Please update soon! I can't get enough! Sometimes i reread the chapters because it's so great! |
CrazyInAGoodWay chapter 16 . 7/18/2011 soooo i kind of love this story:) i stumbled on it a few days ago and i've had it up in a tab on my computer forever waiting for me to read it. I'm so glad i finally did:) LOVE IT! however i'm a little disapointed because i thought the story was complete and i was going to be able to read the entire thing without having to wait on the edge of my seat forever waiting for each new installment. How often do you update, by the way? Anyways i hope you post more soon! I love the story:) and surprisingly enough, while i read this i didn't feel like it was a rip off of anything - and that is super hard to find these days because usually anything with warewolves reminds me somewhat of twilight so good job:) |
violet-eyez chapter 16 . 7/16/2011 interesting so how is darus going to capture her? |
hopelessromantic0160 chapter 16 . 7/5/2011 AMAZING story! It has a much deeper and intricate plot than a lot of stories. Hope you update soon! :) |
SometimesG chapter 16 . 7/5/2011 love this update... finally she said the words too... I have to wonder about Storm and Kerr - hope they find what it is they are looking for as they have shared an abusive history. thanks for continuing with the story. |
chewychester chapter 16 . 7/5/2011 You said it best in your author's note: there are so many ways this can go. Can't wait until the next chapter. :) |
Binkybaby chapter 16 . 7/5/2011 I enjoyed this alot. Update Really Soon! |
yakirra chapter 16 . 7/5/2011 I'm not sure if I've reviewed your story before, but I have been reading and I just thought I'd let you know that I am really enjoying it thus far. There is a good amount of well thought out drama going on and it's all so entertaining. I like the relationship that is forming between Tegan and Soren, it's moving at a good pace and both characters are remaining true to their natures which you have created. Good chapter and great job so far. See you next time :) |
ebs12 chapter 16 . 7/5/2011 It will be interesting to see how Storm reacts to Tegan having claimed Soren. update soon |
MuffinsRoxSox chapter 16 . 7/4/2011 This is so exciting! Tegan may finally be Soren, who is awesome. I love who you chose for Soren, by the way. Alex is super hot. Have you seen him shirtless? *swoon* Seriously. This is a really awesome story. I can't wait until the next update, but I guess, I have to. Well, it's 1:33 AM, so I'm going to go to bed. Bye! |