Reviews for Mature
Sandy Lee chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
Maybe will sound cliché, but I have felt in the same way.

It's a new side that I discover from you, and I'm so moved by it.


I don't understand why someone can hurt so much, but life is like that: sometimes we have to suffer to realize how alive we are.

My dear, once again, I'm fully suprised and grateful of your existence.

((She's a knobhead for lettin' you go, You're a wonderful man, never doubt that))
Ale chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
Wow, eso fue triste.

Ahora leí también el de Junto a Ti y bueno, creo ya comprender el contexto en el que los habías escrito. Son muy buenos y estan escritos a flor de piel, se notan y eso los hace mejores. Mas humanos, incluso dejan de lado tu timidez y todas esas capaz que te cubren...en fin.

Sobre ella, lo que pasó sé, es extraño como alguien se atrevió a herirte así.
Princess-anna57 chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
Aw, I really know how this feels. Do try to be positive, kk? Write on, this was very well written.

~Anna~ _
lymli chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
that's sad how poeple can't get love not even in dreams.
JaredDean chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
beautiful stuff. i think just about everyone has felt that way at one time or another and you did an excellent job putting words to feelings.