Reviews for Hooray For Hollyweird!
Sandy Lee chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
Your story requires another review in english. (If that doesn't bother you, beside I need to practice)

First of all, Hollywood, is absolutely weird.

And second: Who in the business will produce a movie of three hours filled with stupidity and unsense?

Not me, I only produce comedy, thanks to you.

Vampires from mars... that can be possible.

I laughed with the line: "Congratulations Sarah: you just invented "Jack the Ripper".

Hahaha... maybe Sarah was like Rob Zombie, and his version of "Halloween".

Any way, the sketches was so discusting? Like that webpage "Rotten .com"? (That page still exist?, I'm gonna google it)

Between lines, I can see that you don't like Paramore, and I kind on the same. I mean, if Paramore is a rock band, that means that

I am the female version of James Hetfield, right?

Well, as always, I have to say that you are so talented, comedy just flows naturally in you.

My dear, love you work, and the fluid english that you have, hope you dont miss the touch.


Gossip... oops! I mean Sandy Lee.
dreamer-13 chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
*With the help of a radio-active space rock, three friends become Fucker Man and sidekicks and go back in time to defeat Jim the Visious*