Reviews for Feeling Of Flight version 2
breakthehabit chapter 2 . 9/28/2012
Okay. This is fantastic. More in depth than the first version, and I actually knew what was going on this time. Maybe it's cause I already read version one, but whatever the reason I feel like this one is better. :] Too bad you've been inactive for bout 2 years now.. D:
Jerusalem2045 chapter 2 . 1/5/2011
very intrigueing begining! I hope you continue this story...
Skylar Youth chapter 2 . 12/17/2010
Loved the first version and love this one too. (I tried to put a review earlier but it didn't seem to work, so my apologies if it seems its happened twice).

Needless to say, I find the reviewed prologue a quick, fast-paced and brilliant way to start. Setting up the reader for what the story will tell as well as introducing three of the main characters.

The first chapter is much the same as the prologue, giving the reader a plunge into this 'world' and getting to grips with who Tayten is as a character and as her standing in the story.

Definitely enjoyed the ending of the chapter, leaving the reader with the question on whether Tayten was dreaming or whether Kijorn is in fact real.

I am looking forward to reading this and seeing its progress from your first edit placed on here.
Taylor Shade chapter 2 . 12/17/2010
I enjoyed the first edit of this story (having read it multiple of times) and find the beginning of this revised version even better. The prologue grabbed me straight away, setting up the reader to see exactly what the story was going to be about and for introducing two of the main characters. The first chapter did much the same, introducing the main character in the light which has us sympathising and eager to find out more. Both on how Tayten reacts to Kijorn when she wakes up, as well as what happens to the both of them when they're found.

Brilliant start, and definitely looking forward to more. _