Reviews for Y I Hate Vampires
CoConutella chapter 3 . 1/31/2023
Calc and Jessica are the most intriguing… would love to see how the rest of this story goes. Also… nice touch with the Rockwell Song ;)
Tidoo chapter 3 . 8/27/2021
I'm so happy to find a new story, even if I'm ten years late! I remembered reading those stories a life-time ago and I loved them so much! And now, there's a new one for Jess and Calc, it's so great!
Mini chapter 3 . 6/16/2019
Oh wo good, i' m heartbrocken that you didn't Worte more
Marie chapter 3 . 12/2/2018
I come back to this every other year in the hopes of seeing a new chapter because I really want to know what’s going to happen to Calc. If you ever get inspiration again I will be so very excited! Hope you’re well.
Plsplspls chapter 3 . 7/9/2018
Ahh this is the last thing youve written I hope you come back to finish soon its really good I loved xnay but omgosh the v word was awesome! And callum omggg yesss but I cant wait for calc and jess to be a thinf already
Guest chapter 1 . 9/6/2017
Man I really would've loved to finally see calc's love story bc I think he's my fave character in this incredible universe you've created but alas. :(
SmokingEngraved chapter 3 . 5/16/2017
I absolutely clicked on this, knowing the last update date was 6 years ago, because your writing is /that/ good. I just needed to leave a note saying that. Your writing is amazing, I'm beyond in love with Jess's character (she might be one of my faves in this whole universe you have written out) and I wish you would continue her story.
That being said, I know how life is, but just know, you're a favourite author of mine, and I hope you know you've touched me in a lot of ways.
DSPamungkas chapter 3 . 8/23/2016
Write more please?
mgaa chapter 3 . 4/26/2016
I know life're probably really busy right now...and don't have a lot of free time...but I also know you're really good at writing..and I really love your series...and I know I really want to read more of I hope to read from you more...thank your for them..until next time
slcjnk2008 chapter 3 . 2/29/2016
Just found your stories and though you wrote them some time ago, I just recently found frictionpress and decided to follow this story of Jessica and Calc's budding romance (I hope). You are probably a nurse by now (congratulations) just remember, we readers think you are a talented writer as well as student and nurse.
Hizuki chapter 3 . 7/20/2015
Ahhhh I've been waiting to read Calc and Jess's story! And I'm not disappointed I can't wait for more! You're an amazing writer :D I read all the series this past week! Hope you update soon! Keep up the amazing work~
Diving in chapter 3 . 4/16/2015
Please tell me you're going to continue that story, or if you published it, I'm buying the book.
Zlen chapter 3 . 9/10/2014
More pleeaaaaaasssse...
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
Hey! Update please.
Efra chapter 3 . 9/27/2013
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