Reviews for Lasting Forever
Cloudy Glass chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
Okay, so I'm not about sad endings (I'm a sap at heart) but for this story I'm so glad that you didn't make it a happily-ever-after because James was ticking me off from the beginning. I know it's not easy to choose who we don't fall in love with so I don't necessarily blame Anita... not totally at least, but your ending was way more consistent with James's character. So, lovely work. And I've never seen a bedtime story way of doing a story like this. I've written one (not posted) but I've never seen one before. Very cool idea. Okay, just wanted to share my thoughts. :)
squillink93 chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
okay, so i've read all of your stories, and i have to say, i think this one is definitely my favourite! the ending wasn't predictable, which makes it all the more compelling.. sequel? :)
MyraValhallah chapter 1 . 12/12/2010
Ooh I didn't see that ending coming. :)