Reviews for I Know What You Wore November 15th
Angry Elf chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Martha Greenwood has stolen your work on Amazon. She can't even be bothered to changed the summary or names. The editor "Paul Luong" is involved in multiple thefts from FP.
surrendertomusic chapter 38 . 7/17/2013
Oh my goodness! This story has certainly come a very long way since the start. I'll actually really miss Oliver, Juniper, and Liam. Especially Liam. I've fallen in love with these characters, and it's been such a pleasure reading their story. Til next time! 3
Guest chapter 4 . 7/15/2013
I'm so glad you finished this :) definitely not the ending I expected but one that's very believable if that makes sense :) looking forward to reading more of your work
Brandi Rose - Em chapter 38 . 7/14/2013
I absolutely loved this. The last few chapters were intense, and this is definitely one of my favorite stories on here. Keep up the good work 3
Be sure to proof read and all that too. Besides some grammar errors, it was pretty much perfect.
LilliannB chapter 37 . 2/18/2013
ive been checking back at this story so many times. i am soooo ready for that last capter . please update soon!
lilly.b chapter 37 . 11/17/2012
i absolutely love this book, i love how you are able to involve the reader because i can actually see whats going on, its like im there and that's the most important thing. please update soon im eager to read the ending i keep coming back to this story just to see if you have updated :)
lidihutton chapter 37 . 10/2/2012
This is an amazing story! What happens after?
Guest chapter 37 . 10/2/2012
Omg wow! I loved it! Is that the end or is there a chapter 38?
Brightheart chapter 37 . 7/8/2012
amazing, cant wait to read the last chapter
Guest chapter 37 . 7/1/2012
surrendertomusic chapter 37 . 6/11/2012
Oh my goshh.. Since the beginning I've always been pro-Liam (but that just may be because I always tend to fall in love with the first leading man character in a story). I totally forgive him now because of the three page letter he gave to Juniper. And speaking of Juniper, she's always been my favorite character because of her inner strength and courage. I can't believe it's only one more chapter!
sora.lov chapter 37 . 6/10/2012
Who would she go for in the end? Keep up the good work, Light Prevails! I love this story so much! (:
Guest chapter 37 . 6/9/2012
Whens the last chapter gonna be posted? Please I need to know what happens next! ;) I hope she gets together with liam! U r the best writer ever! You should publish this book :)
lilac.jasmine chapter 37 . 6/7/2012
So...can you remind me what Anna's situation was and how she was saved by Juniper? As for the letters/gift. WOW. Both really sentimental. I love that Liam ended up falling in love with her (and I think she's still in love with him too...but a different more mature, through the tests of time kind of love). Anyway, fictionpress is being all weird and won't let me log in for now...but I hope you can remind us about Anna again.
Carmel March chapter 37 . 6/6/2012
That was probably my favourite chapter out of the whole story! I seriously can't believe the end is coming soon. Update soon!
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