Reviews for If You Can't Take the Heat
Wistful Joy chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
There are a lot of things I could mention when I attempt to describe how much this story makes my heart hurt in the most wonderful way possible. I could talk about the fantastic amount of realism poured into the setting. I could talk about the well-defined secondary characters and excellent use of flashbacks.

Instead, I think I'll just tell you how wonderful it is to get a realistic happy ending. The reunion of Scott and Dane was inevitable yet unexpected, and it just filled me with warmth and awwwwww. Great job.

Possibly my favorite one shot of yours, second to the one about Henry and his loa. That one blew me away too.

(I also own the God Eaters. aslkdjfalskdjf that's too amazing a book for me to describe, so I won't even try. Ash is so wonderful 3)
Erysimum chapter 1 . 11/30/2011
I've been reading through a lot of your stuff and I have to say (of what I've read) you write happy endings so damn well I'm sitting here grinning to myself like an idiot :D Again, likeable characters, a nice smattering of humour in the dialogue, with a believable (and not-soppy) relationship. Also, your writing always seems extremely technically accurate to your characters, be they chefs or storm chasers or gangsters. Either you just know a lot, or you do a lot of research before you write, which I appreciate. Good job.
taintedLullaby chapter 1 . 10/13/2011
Damn that was amazing. I absolutely loved it. Humour, fluff, angst, hot steamy moments, you had it all. You had the perfect amount of everything. I'm blown away. I wish half the one-shots on this site were written has well as yours. Great job.
WinterInk24 chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
Aw. Aw. AWWWW. Dane and Scott are the most adorable couple ever. And their sexual tension is a plus. Loved Love love this story.
Sycelia chapter 1 . 6/3/2011
This was so sweet. It was so - it was - it... -dies-

I love the workplace; all the characters who only have one or two mentions yet contribute so much to making the story more realistic. This was sad and funny and adorable and... and... yeah.

I should write more reviews. I need practice.

Gonna go sift through your profile now :D

PS: Can I just mention how much I love stuff written in first-person narrative, from a GUY'S perspective? Written well, I mean; in that nonchalant, effortlessly humourous manner that guys always seem to possess. I dunno. It's just a thing. I've read too many girls' POVs; I get bored so easily by now. Right. Bye.
Mewenn chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
that was a great story. It's good to see characters no stand for being miserable even if it wreck their love life (especially if they still get the happy end). And you're such an amazing storyteller, each time it surprise me anew.
ddz008 chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
Great story! I love Dane and Scott. I'm glad that after everything they could find a way to be together and pursue their dreams :)
Idurre chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
Okay, I think I am a little in love with Dane and Scott. And you. definitely you too. The characters feel real; I wasn't sure what to expect at the end, but the resolution was all that I could ask for. Looking forward to you future work!
Can We Swap Owls chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
That was lovely...and made me reminisce on all the days of agony and stress I spent waitering *shudder* So.. I guess it also made me uncomfortable, kudos on the realism.
Broadway Mango Dancers chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
Damn you! I screamed awhile ago, and now I'm crying because you're story is just so beautiful.

I couldn't read straight because I would get all emotional and be happy for them and stuff.

No offense but I'm not into homosexual stories, but this was eye-opening.

Thank you. D
charmedblush chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
this was really sweet and realistic. I loved the way you narrated
HPRK08 chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
That was hilarious and awesome :D Scott is awesome! Great work.

Pish chapter 1 . 2/9/2011

That, that, that was fantastic.

Jesus, your characters are just a fresh of breath air. Especially loved the flash-backs. While there was enough dept of what can be felt about the boys' situations, this added bonus was like whipped cream to ice cream. Goes so well, love.
mnemox chapter 1 . 2/6/2011
Very sweet! Though it took me back to when I worked in a restaurant, which I do not thank you for. ;) Totally understood Scott's feelings about it. Enjoyed this, thanks.
Tears Of A Wolf chapter 1 . 1/29/2011

Okay, I loved it. Thank you for writing this great tribute to literature.
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