Reviews for Sweepers
dust and glitter chapter 30 . 3/4/2012
I actually adore your story. It's without a doubt one of the very best on here. Your writing style, the plot, the characters, the pace, it's all clicks into place so well! however: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It was going to happen, damn it! She was going to tell him! Why are you doing this to me, you sadist! Gargh, and now she's going to the Spring Dance with Quang when really she should obviously most definitely be going with Luke *sigh* oh the headaches of being a reader ;) No, in all honesty, your writing is seriously so wonderful and you should most definitely keep it up :)


funnechick chapter 29 . 2/29/2012
Aww...this seems like a late (but completely appreciated) Valentine's gift! Haha. I was mortified when Farah confronted Adelaide at school. But she handled it so well. I was proud of her! And then when Luke came in to back her up-so sweet. He is so a sweeper, definitely did not start out as one, but one nonetheless.

And their moment in the hallway...aww, so fluffy. Haha. And roses...for some reason, I'm kind of suspicious of the secret admirer thing. But I hope I'm just reaching, and it was from Luke. They were so sweet.

And do you know how glad I am that Adelaide is officially OVER Quang and now realizes (completely) her feelings for Luke? :)
Zippy Gonzalez chapter 29 . 2/28/2012
AHHHH I have been smiling goofily since starting your story I tell you ! I am soo happy you are one of those authors who update constantly and I am in love with your story. And I have a pretty strong feeling that those flowers weren't from him ... ;)

Can't wait until your next chapter and Kudos on your amazing-ness ! :)
Viva-la-Mylo chapter 29 . 2/28/2012
I hate farah! That bitch! They had a moment! The floowers! :DDD that was a really cute moment between Lou and her! Update soon love please"
silverspigot chapter 29 . 2/28/2012
Woo hoo! Woo hoo! I really want to just dance in my computer chair right now, but I'm afraid I'll freak out my mom, more than I do on a daily basis. This chapter was the most amazing one that I have ever read, and it was love at first for me (you see what I did right there? ;]) The development was just perfect, and it really is too bad that we never got to explicitly find out if Luke heard Addie, but he probably did, since he DID send her roses and give her special smiles. Speaking of Luke, his awesomeness just went up six levels. All of those smart aleky comments were just...amazing! And Addie too. I particular liked that one line that goes "If I'm a slut for fantasizing about a guy I've been in love with for six years, I wonder what that makes you since you've slept with half the student body." And yes, I did just go and find that line, and then copy-and-pasted it.

I'll just condense it down here, and say that this chapter was my alltime favorite in this entire story (you know, next to the chapter where Luke pushes Addie down, the first chapter right?). Fantabulous job! It would have perfectly perfect if you posted this on Valentine's Day, but hey, that takes absolutely nothing away from the sheer awesomeness of this chapter :)
mylittleprincess chapter 29 . 2/28/2012
awesome!update more.
renegade01 chapter 29 . 2/28/2012
Adelaide's matured a lot since the beginning. This chapter made me grin, especially the ending and when she tries to tell Luke how she feels. It'd be funny if the roses didn't actually come from Luke. ;)
Nemosea11 chapter 29 . 2/27/2012
No! Only a few chapters left, it's making me so emotional. I have been a fan of this story from day one, almost a year ago I think? I feel that as time went on, not only Adelaide but also the story itself grew and matured into a beautiful thing. Sadie always annoyed me, but her leaving seriously depresses me. Your writing is excellent, and I can't wait to finally finish this story. Keep up the good work! :)
appleworm chapter 28 . 2/27/2012
Fantastic story, wonderful plot and your an amazingly talented managed to express all the aspects of Ad's life and her feelings it's about her family life or the work at the diner or her interaction with Luke...

Carmel March chapter 28 . 2/23/2012
Fantastic chapter. I absolutely love the characters in this story. I can't wait for more!
Northfacegrl5 chapter 28 . 2/19/2012
I really love this story! They're so much tension (sexual?) between Luke and Adelaide I can't wait for the next chapter
silverspigot chapter 28 . 2/19/2012
Aw, that's so cute! So Blade turns out to be a pretty normal guy. But I can't help but wonder if Blade isn't his actual name. The painting was so sweet~ I really loved this chapter. But I hate Farah, and I hate people like her. On the other hand, I love Luke and how awesome he just is to Adelaide. I can't wait to see what happens at school and Blade's drawing :)
spacecars chapter 28 . 2/19/2012
I just spent my entire day reading this story and I am so floored, I cannot even express my thoughts in words. This is really such a brilliant story, and I absolutely loved how every aspect of Ad's life has been carefully explored and how everything rounds up nicely. That's something that's incredibly hard to accomplish but I think you've done an awesome job at it :)

Looking forward to the next chapter eagerly! :D
Viva-la-Mylo chapter 28 . 2/18/2012
awwwwww that so cute! update soon!
Aurora Clarte chapter 4 . 2/18/2012
Oh gosh, you are one hilarious writer! Adelaide has me cracking up every minuet! :D
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