Reviews for Sweepers
the vcg chapter 26 . 2/5/2012
Great chapter, I think you did a perfect job of the whole christmas senario. Describing how most people feel about christmas as a child and then again as a 17 year old. Its the little things like that about Adelaide that brings the reader to feel closer to a character that might not otherwise relate to. It makes the story more interesting than the everday romance. This also makes me more intrigued with Luke's family situation. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Exsomnis chapter 26 . 2/5/2012
Are you having issues with editing documents too?

I loved this chapter,expecially when she goes out in her pj's. D
noriepie chapter 26 . 2/4/2012
i sense change :D
Viva-la-Mylo chapter 26 . 2/4/2012
I love Luke! The other Guy I have no clue what his name is sounds like a complete jerk! I really like this story update soon love!
Fedorable chapter 26 . 2/4/2012
Ahhhhh yay an update! There were definitely a few shrieks involved when I read this chapter. My dog thought I was being attacked and ran in to defend me. She was quite confused.

I'm going to make one of my epileptic trees predictions here and say that Adelaide will accompany Sadie to her classes. Or something.

At any rate, I still have to congratulate you on how naturally their relationship has been progressing. I feel like I've been getting to know Luke just as much as Addie has. :) I've definitely commented on this several times before but I can't get over how well done it was. Update soon!

P.S. I just met my own sweeper. ;)
wervelende chapter 25 . 12/26/2011
I am quite enjoying this so far. It made me stay up entirely too late tonight! I love Luke and all his layers. Please update this (soon) when you get the chance!
subtly.obvious chapter 25 . 11/30/2011
whhaaat? no! this can't be all there is! I want more! please give me more.

I have my midterms in less than a week and i haven't started studying because of THIS story.

You do not understand the need to finish this story. You do not.

or maybe you do, if you've read an amazing incomplete story.

But maybe this is a good thing. Maybe now I can start studying. I'll come back after my midterms are over. :)

ps. I would have reviewed before, but i couldn't not keep clicking the next button.
Nemosea11 chapter 25 . 11/29/2011
This story makes me smile. I feel like Adelaide could be a real person, the way you write her is so funny and pure. :)
renegade01 chapter 25 . 11/21/2011
I love Luke. He's awesome. Fifty two...pfft, yeah right. He toooootally did that on purpose, the little sneak. I bet when Adelaide said 'emergency tutor session' at her place, he was like get in there. ;)Definitely made me grin.

Aww that last scene was cute. I can see Adelaide maturing in this chapter. Can't wait for more. ;)
mylittleprincess chapter 25 . 11/21/2011
update please.
XshatteredXmirrorsX chapter 25 . 11/20/2011
Dude! I've been reading this story since it started, but I just got an account, so now I can finally review and say how much I love this story! I LOVE IT! *cough* Sorry bout that... Got excited :)
Fedorable chapter 25 . 11/20/2011
(Sorry for the anon review, I'm on my o


1. Clearly Addie and I aren't the same person after all. Orwell is the bomb-dot-com.


3. I think I met a sweeper today.
flunkybubbleshorts chapter 25 . 11/20/2011
Hmm. Is Luke trying a wee little bit to do badly on the tests so that he gets more tutoring time?

I'm glad I saw more of the family dynamics in this chapter - although Luke was very quiet. Oh well, can't have everything :D
Aletta94 chapter 25 . 11/20/2011
It's like you know what's going on at my school!

We're reading 1984 for English!

And I do know what Winston's worst fear is D

I love your sweeper story, because when you look at it it's just a sweet, witty story.

But if you look closer you see the layers of the onion (and the cake.. I prefer the cake D). Alright, I am serious. It's not just about love and a girl's teenage life but it's more than that. To me your story is about the acceptance of oneself and to know your own flaws so you can decide whether you do something about it. There is no perfect guy. Just like there is no perfect me. And we should be happy with what we got.

You write beautifully with just the right amount of sarcasm and wit. You leave things open for my own imagination (which I love).

Thank you so much for writing this story,

It feels like I'm learning from Adelaide.

Keep up the good work, and any mistakes I made in this review are probably because I'm dutch ;)

mylittleprincess chapter 24 . 11/19/2011
Cant wait for more.
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