Reviews for Sweepers
dreeming chapter 35 . 2/26/2013
This was so cuuute! Though the ending rain scene was too much of a cliche for me personally, but oh well!
whiteyachts chapter 35 . 2/8/2013
i can't tell you how much i loved this story - i have been trying to find the words for a day now! the writing, characters, and plot was fantastic. there was the perfect amount of sweet friendship hints of romance between adelaide & luke and i loved the subplots involving family, friends, work, and school. it made the story so dynamic and enjoyable to read. this story was so well-written and flowed so effortlessly. i never wanted it to end! i'm glad i get to look forward to following you along as you write just what i needed!
DA-chen1 chapter 35 . 12/4/2012
Wow, that was such a sweet story!
Congrats to this story!
I really love Ad and Luke, mistook his last name often with "Skywalker".. lol
I like the idea that he's actually a math genius and he tricked her into the teaching thing because he liked her presence... really sweet! :-)
Paige chapter 25 . 11/27/2012
Amazing! Read the entire story in a day:)) just couldn't put it down.
KusmiTea chapter 35 . 9/16/2012
Oh, Adeluke! So lovely I want to hug you until you struggle to breathe (kidding, kidding).
I must say I was surprised that Luke was a math champion and he was just failing to be with Ad. HE IS DEFINITELY HER SWEEPER or KEEPER.
And I was having a fit when he didn't want to talk to her because of that misunderstanding! I mean, WHAT? I nearly had a heart attack.
But now they are just so adorable. And in the end he drawing the infinite symbol... sigh.

Please, do write 'Keeper'! I'd like very much to read it.

Le Tigre chapter 35 . 8/23/2012
Hello! Just to let you know this story has been re-reviewed for the Humour archive over on A Drop of Romeo!
The review: One thing that really struck me about this story was its realism. It starts with the main character, Adelaide, having a bad day and Luke knocking her over and not apologizing proves to be the last straw. When Luke turns out to be her next student to tutor in Maths, Adelaide is none too pleased, but a friendship develops between the pair that evolves throughout the story. What was brilliant about Minty F’s writing was that it really let you connect with Adelaide, she seems real, with realistic problems, insecurities and an obsession with Quang - a boy she is convinced is her ‘sweeper’ (someone who will you sweep you off your feet). In fact all the characters are made easy to relate to, purely because they all have their own distinctive personalities and flaws, it makes them seem real.

The relationship between Adelaide and Luke unfolds at a believable pace, amidst other issues in their lives - families, friends, school - and therefore it is quite often not the focal point.

In terms of the writing itself, it flows just perfectly, with very few grammar not always funny in the ‘ha-ha, I think I just peed myself’ sense, the story provides us with much humour, in a more subtle form, usually Adelaide’s snark.

The story may seem long, but is very sweet and well worth the read as it is very hard not to love it.
mareecee chapter 35 . 8/20/2012
Great story. I stayed up and read it the whole way through. It has a great pace and is realistic. I love the characters. The ending was go good. The transition from sweepers to keepers and the infinity/maths tie in... I can't wait til Keepers! Is it still in your plans?
AnonymousReads chapter 35 . 7/31/2012
i really liked this it had a good plot and i havent read something like this before. Good story. :)
Guest chapter 35 . 7/28/2012
WOW I loved this story! Amazing job! It is so cute! :D
bibliotaku748 chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
'} I just found this today and finished it as fast as I could. In all honesty I think this is one of my favorite stories I have ever read in my life. You have a serious talent and I can't wait for more of your work. Thank you for sharing this story.
Uniquely Proud chapter 35 . 7/22/2012
I have to admit. I skipped a few chapters.

The story seemed a bit too lengthy to me. More filler that I would have liked.
The pace is rather slow but the plot is good though. You've managed to build characters that aren't completely perfect, which is always great.

I love how you managed to incorporate math into the Adelaide & Luke equation (PUN intended!).

All in all, great work on completing this story. :D
Exsomnis chapter 35 . 7/22/2012
I absolutely loved it. It was an amazing story.
Shockinglightning chapter 35 . 7/22/2012
Awesome story. I so can relate.
bulb.sea.train chapter 35 . 7/22/2012
I loooooove iiiiiiiit..! i love this story. ok, that's all i want to say. i love it. No reason. I just love your story..
taintedLullaby chapter 35 . 7/22/2012
Omg! This was soooo adorable and funny! I absolutely loved it! The characters were great and I found the story very original and refreshing. You did a great job! I'm really impressed!
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