Reviews for Sweepers
Viva-la-Mylo chapter 31 . 3/12/2012
Oh wow i feel really bad for her sister): there was no lukeD: update soon please!
oxBlueEyes15xo chapter 31 . 3/12/2012
Good to see Adelaide and Kitty working out their problems, and making up. I love how this story has so many relevant issues. And love that it's not just a love story, but more than that. And that the love story gradually happens, instead of just BAM! We love each other. I just love this story, and can't wait till Sunday when you update!
Fedorable chapter 31 . 3/11/2012
Oh dear, I've been behind on my Sweepers! I definitely enjoyed my three-chapter marathon, especially since I was avoiding my homework whilst reading. Since I have three chapters' worth of reviews, this is going to be very long.

1. DAYUM Luke. I wish I had a prediction on this front, but considering that my dad is the only male in my family (even my dog's a lady), I didn't grow up interacting with boys and ergo have no idea about the male psyche. I have to give credit to you though: I definitely did not see that coming.

2. QUANG I did not see this coming either. It smells a bit like a rebound? My Miss Cleo prediction is that some hardcore dramarama is going to go on at this Spring Fling. Addie'd better wear galoshes, because shit's going DOWN. Yeah, I just said that.

3. KITTY. Nothing like a new guy to create a rift between friends. It's nice to see the math nerds reunite (and I laughed out loud at the mention of geometry in this chapter). Let's hope they stay friends.

4. Every time I read a chapter of this story I always want to go out and take risks. Then my high fades. Considering I just read three chapters, let's hope the high stays for thrice as long.

Very nice job again! I look forward to seeing more!
the aspiring cynic chapter 30 . 3/11/2012
I remember reading your old story and I was so surprised that there was a new one!

I can't wait to reread the story all over again. Especially since you're one of the best author's I've ever seen on this site.
yourcrookedneighbor chapter 30 . 3/9/2012
Can I just say that this story is so beautiful? It's written so realistically and I love how you don't make everything so dead-set on Adelaide and Luke's relationship; you also bring in their family and friends. I also love the pace of it. I mean, I don't feel like anyone is rushing into anything and everything is laid out so perfectly. I love, love, love this so much! You are a wonderful writer!
noriepie chapter 30 . 3/7/2012
oh no. :(
i am so sad right now :(( WHY DOES LUKE HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS
funnechick chapter 30 . 3/5/2012
Man...I so called this. I hate to use this expression, but she was counting her chickens before they hatched. She was way too excited and sure of herself for it to work out. My only question is Luke. Why was he is such a good mood when he left Quang and Adelaide there, but in such a horrible mood when she saw him next? What happened in between those two times? I'm thinking he didn't want to hear her news because he thought she would say something about her and Quang being crazily ironic. She doesn't even like Quang that way anymore! She's just wasting her time by trying to be with him. And now she and Luke aren't even friends? How sad. :(

On a happier note, I loved Lilia's "Adaluke" and the mention of CatDog..priceless.
akdla chapter 30 . 3/5/2012
AHHHHH, you are killing me here! I am sitting in my seat with my hands over my face, peeking through and trying to read slowly. Anyway, thank you so much for the fast updates, and I hope you continue writing!
Viva-la-Mylo chapter 30 . 3/5/2012
Holy shit! What the fuck is up with quang just bein a dumbass and asking her out like what the hell i should fuckin run him over -.- luke heard! Thats whats wrong he heard! Ughhhhh i cant believe she quit i love lou! Damn it! I still loved it update soon tho pleeeaseee
flunkybubbleshorts chapter 30 . 3/5/2012

If only Luke had given something away!

I am completely and totally heartbroken.

(I have to say, you managed to keep the suspense pretty well :) )
mylittleprincess chapter 30 . 3/5/2012
Carmel March chapter 30 . 3/5/2012
Absolute cuteness. Very clever at the end, too :) I am obsessed with this story!
Kalilah chapter 4 . 3/5/2012
"Look at that! Just look at it," I'd said to my first tuteeā€”a preppy girl with blonde hair. "Look at that imaginary number. Isn't it amazing? Doesn't it make you want to cry? Just look at it."

LOL man. If anyone taught me complex numbers like that I'd look at them like they were crazy too xD Yeah imaginary number makes me want to cry but not in the happy sense I'm guessing she's implying.
oxBlueEyes15xo chapter 30 . 3/5/2012
Noooo it's supposed to be Luke and Ad!L more soon, gosh I love this story!
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