Reviews for Merboy
biddle29 chapter 31 . 4/13/2016
This was absolutely amazing! I absolutely loved it! :)
SomethingSimsy chapter 3 . 1/31/2016
I love this story, the narrative especially! XD I can't wait to read on!
barfuss chapter 6 . 1/8/2016
Love the story! I'll continue reading, just wanted to point out this little error:

Chap.5, where he tries on the new outfit, it should be "he was adorned by" rather than "adorning". Unless, of course, you mean to say that him wearing it brought out the beauty in the clothes instead of the clothes complementing his looks.
AlexRider101 chapter 33 . 12/6/2015
This story is AMA-ZING. Its soo awesome and so fairytale like that it's unbelievable. Im surprised that it hasn't been published yet. And if it has and I did'nt know I only have 2 things to say:
2. Why is it not popular?!
Drepanididae chapter 30 . 11/19/2015
This was a very nice sorry. The plot was engaging and the characters were fun to follow. Laney is just so boisterous and hyper at times. And Ker's inner dialogue with herself are quite funny at times, defusing even tense situations. I felt sorry for Erin, the soul in a jar twist was a surprise. It kind of leads the reader to think there is some hope for the witch, she could have just killed Erin's should and taken her body but she didn't. It makes a person think. And Tanner, 'what's this thing between my legs' it's a riot having a clueless person stomping all over taboos. It was great to see him come back in the end, a bit of do good to others and good will be done to you. I only have one thing I wish was a bit more polished up: The put down scene of the witch. I know Tanner sacrifices himself to stop the which but how do the captured souls become released, where do her powers go. It just seemed like the the focus fell largely on Tanner's demise (understandably) but the witch vanishes with little mention only to pop up randomly ashore. Overall a great piece and can't wait to see the sequel.
retrospect129 chapter 21 . 12/4/2014
Hmm. Your main male character is reall great- very cute and likeable. However I really dislike you main Female character. She is not a likeable character at all. She is almost abusive with Tanner to be honest.

Thanks for posting you story, I enjoyed the unique aspect of it and most of your other characters but I feel like Kerri (name?) ruined it.
Ilsa with an I chapter 4 . 11/12/2014
If he asked me that, I would've been like, "It's for peeing. NOTHING ELSE."
JenWriting chapter 33 . 8/14/2014
Great story! :D really enjoyed it!
JenWriting chapter 18 . 8/14/2014
Oh god she's turned into a mermaid hasn't she?! Brilliant twist if that's what it is :L
JenWriting chapter 7 . 8/14/2014
Aw this is so cute! I'm glad they're beginning to get along now ;)
Rhilian chapter 1 . 8/13/2014
Type your review for this chapter here...
Sarriel Nightthorn chapter 33 . 8/13/2014
What is your Wattpad name? I would love to follow you on Wattpad
thesakifan chapter 31 . 7/23/2014
Magical, it reminds me of the little mermaid and acquamarine. hehe
heligirl96 chapter 32 . 3/26/2014
I loved this story! I finished it in two days, I couldn't stop :) cant wait to read more.
Dr.Guest chapter 32 . 3/11/2014
My question (even though I'm, like, two years late) is why did Tanner not age?
I love this story soooo much! More than Tanner loved Kerrie. Yea. That much.
I bet Matt and Laney's baby will be cuter than a dolphin in a tutu.
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