Reviews for As Close To Perfect As Anyone Can Get
AbbeyXD chapter 1 . 1/8/2011
um I liked it but it was very rushed, and quick, you could have prolonged it a bit, that would've made it better.
swamp13 chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
aww i love it. please write moree (:
flameofthesoul chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
This is good, I like it. :)
Icy Shadows chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
I wonder if this is going to work out! I'm so curious now, oh my gosh.

Great story so far, I can't wait for more.

Your composition is splendid and you don't spend ridiculous amounts of time describing which I thank you for. Keep it up!
CCKins chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
Aww, a short but sweet story! Brill, I think. The description is good, and a wonderful first story! You should write more stuff like this! Overall all, really great!