Reviews for A Balance of Harmonies
methosdeb chapter 71 . 5/21/2012
loved it ,I just love hunter ,I just wish him well and want him to give them a try,I know its hard for him to trust but if ever a group of people were really to love him its emil's family.
Rogue Energizer Bunny chapter 71 . 5/20/2012
Daw. Emil's adorable.
prostock69 chapter 70 . 5/15/2012
Hunter doesn't like people coming up behind him? This probably has something to do with what's going on at the center with JJ. Peregrine is starting to lose He's full of all kinds of nervous energy. I hope he talks to his father soon. And Emil, poor dear, he seems so fragile right now.
methosdeb chapter 70 . 5/13/2012
loved it ,hunter will be ok with keith and his family,that makes me happy to see.I really need to see all of them back together again ,I think its as hard on me as it is on them.
bb chapter 69 . 5/13/2012
Great ch as usual. the hunter abuse development is interesting.
methosdeb chapter 69 . 5/7/2012
loved it ,poor hunter ,he is one mixed up kid,its a shame that he can't stay with them ,hunter seems to feel safe there ,thats a good thing at least.
prostock69 chapter 69 . 5/7/2012
Ahhh! You left us with a little cliff hanger! Where did Peregrine sleep that he wouldn't tell Kurt? I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope that Hunter doesn't go back to the shelter. I don't think JJ is a bad kid. He's just afraid of losing Hunter. Maybe he's using sex as a way of keeping Hunter with him.
jaspereb chapter 68 . 4/29/2012
So since you haven't heard from me in so it okay if I'm back now? I just read the last ten or so chapters today and wasn't sure if I should review.

However, this chapter changed my mind. I'm so nervous for Hunter and why he's scared of JJ. I can't imagine what could be going on and I hope you're going to tell us.

I'm not sure which chapter it was in, but I loved that when Kurt went with Hunter to the therapist that Keith stayed until it was over and gave him his "Dad" instructions. Whether Hunter thinks so or not, he really needed them, not on an instructual level but on an emotional one. I think that was very important to their budding relationship.

As always, I love Kurt and think he's pretty perfect. I'm still feeling sorry for Emil and trying hard to like Peregrine.
methosdeb chapter 68 . 4/29/2012
loved it ,hunter just breaks my heart sometimes ,I just want to hug is so good with him and so is kurt.I think they'd be good with kids.
prostock69 chapter 68 . 4/29/2012
Poor Hunter! I'm really concerned about him. Something is going on with him and JJ that has me really worried.

The vase and flowers Kurt made and had put in the case was very sweet. I loved how Emil saw them and was immediately drawn to them. It was like he sensed they were his.
methosdeb chapter 67 . 4/23/2012
loved it,its really easy to see what a calming effect that emil has on peregraine ,they will be glad to see him come back that is for is doing a great job making emil feel loved,at least he let him out of bed for a while.
prostock69 chapter 67 . 4/22/2012
Yeah! Kurt and Emil are back together. Emil's inner light is shining again. Not that he doesn't love Peregrine, it's just Kurt brings out the love in him.

And I also enjoyed how you went from Kurt/Emil to Peregrine...back and forth. Peregrine is slowly becoming grumpy since Emil left..which I find so adorable.
DawnSister chapter 1 . 4/17/2012
An interesting start and I will be reading on although I don't know whether I will be able to review every chapter as I see there are quite a lot and would like to catch up.

I like the idea, and the characters, even Peregrine, who we haven't met seems very real. I think it is in the way that Emil describes his dilemma and the way you have made us understand how he feels cares about him.

Thanks for sharing this,

methosdeb chapter 66 . 4/15/2012
loved it hunter is so cute ,I just want to hug him.I am glad that he wasn't upset about his arms doing the glass blowing,glad kurt thought of that so he could ease him out of his panic.
prostock69 chapter 66 . 4/15/2012
Poor Emil! I felt so sad when he asked Peregrine not to fall in love with anyone while he is gone. He's very insecure and I really can't blame him. I don't trust Harrison at all not to do or say something to Peregrine about his feelings.

Keith is such a sweetheart for waiting during Hunter's appointment. I truly hope that Hunter will agree to be adopted by him.

And I am so excited about Kurt and Emil's reunion! SQUEEE!
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