Reviews for Taming the Dragon
DarkxWriter chapter 1 . 10/14/2015
sarehgol3 chapter 2 . 5/14/2015
Hi dear
I couldnt find any link for download on your site
Exactly where should I look for the link?
lostlamb chapter 25 . 11/22/2014
I don't like the ending, but the story is beautiful. I'm a bit confused as to what Mindosia (not sure I spelled that right) really was, but yeah the story was nice and Asher and Jose are so cute. I am however upset that Asher couldn't toughen up and talk to him. I hope they meet. Come on, Jose! find Asher please. Definitely excited for the sequel. Thank you for writing this.
Vallucast chapter 26 . 6/16/2014
Congratz for publishing your book!
I'll buy the copy if I happen to stumble upon it and they still being slash. I'm not a fan of boobs mentioned.. *shudder*
I was so really thinking about this awesome story about boy that can turn into dragon and his blind companion...but forget what the title might be and suddenly you popped out of nowhere! If it really is destiny, then I'm sure that I'll see your book in the future (don't know how long, or if it may be filming too- although not many good film can give the same impression like the original book).
I wish you good luck! And I'll be sure to save the chapters. Thx the warning.
Keep safe and healthy!

twilightserius chapter 6 . 6/15/2014
oh wow asher really is a dick but i wonder what really happened to the lady and kid. hmm can asher partially transform? ya know ears tail and wings? read more later
JilianLo chapter 26 . 6/12/2014
I don't know how to save a copy, since the new fpress won't allow copy/paste... is there a downloadable version somewhere? Also, I hope your novel is going well!
Mad Rhyme chapter 14 . 11/2/2012
Asher and Jose, bonding in a hut,
Having s-e-x in the butt.
First comes lust, than comes marriage.
Then comes a kid in a baby carriage.
Manuu chapter 9 . 9/20/2012
Well. I haven't decided which one I like best yet. Depends on my mood/day. But I'm sure I can like both. :D
AHAH. Now, Asher's feeling something. Don't know what but it's something.
Less emotionless toward José (well, apart from s*x obviously).

Manuu chapter 8 . 9/15/2012
Lol. I can totally understand José. Asher doesn't seem to get their situation. And then he's playing hide and seek with a talking quirrel. :P
Manuu chapter 7 . 9/12/2012
Wow. That's quite a change of atmosphere. José is much more angsty than Asher. A bit sad too cause Asher's like a jerk to José. Gosh. I don't who I like best: José or Asher?

Can't decide yet.

Manuu chapter 6 . 9/9/2012
O-OK. Asher's definitely not the adult. I'm so on José's side right now. :P

Better José decides for both of them than Asher.

Manuu chapter 5 . 9/8/2012
Gosh. Been a long time. Sorry, I haven't read a bit even though I'm on holidays. :)
Still love Asher. He's so... him. :P
I wonder what kind of creatures they'll see next.


TinaLouise chapter 16 . 8/27/2012
Probably way too late but I wants a Asher-plushie. I just found this story today, so that's gotta be good for something!
1986 chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
I love this story - you have a gift for making characters. Very few people can write a story out of different point of views. I can read a sentence and know exactly with who I'm with. No confusion what so ever. Because of that it’s not too sad that your world descriptions are somewhat short.
Manuu chapter 3 . 7/17/2012
Well, I know that French isn't that easy (even for French people :P).
Oh yeah, I could really love Asher! He's irritating but kinda honest. Don't know if you understand me. :)
LOL. Actually, that's José who's in control. Asher seems to believe he is but not at all! I like the lavalight too, she's so cute. I think between Asher and her, that'll be somethine like love-hate relationship. ;)

And, that was HOT the end! Fire! :D

See you
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