Reviews for The New Waitress
Open your eyes Chopstick chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
so although the game has certain "rules"...i'm so used to my review style, i hope it still helps!

The beginning didn't really thrill me. Although i understand the casualness of it, i found it kind of boring.

"plus son David and daughter Michal."-need commas around "David" and a comma before "Michal"

I thought the characters are amusing. Like the reason Michal got her name. I did find it a bit like info dumping when you were introducing the characters though, but if i was to read this like "old english" instead of the more modern style, i could see this as being acceptable and flows nicely.

I ended up skimming a bit...until i got to the end where there were more interaction between the family and the waitress. Before than, like i said, was all info dumping to me and a bit dragging. but once they had the conversations, it got a lot more interesting. The character's are amusing, and i like the way they act towards each other.

So, all in all, not bad. Just don't drag/info dump. Interactions good. :)