Reviews for Where's the Punch Line?
purplehost chapter 1 . 2/5/2011
That's a little different, going from the cheater's perspective. And that's a new reason too, doing it to satisfy curiosity. For something so short, the emotions played through this were well displayed. Somehow, the fact that he's truly regretful makes it seem like the fact that he's cheating isn't so bad; he certainly ended up paying for it. There's just one typo, "mess kisses" should be "messy kisses" I think.

virginangelic chapter 1 . 1/26/2011
I liked this! Especially the part where the question 'How could he do that to him?' got progressively shorter until it ultimately boiled down to one word, 'How'. I personally thought that it could be further improved: perhaps you could paint Elijah's desolation far more by adding more details. Oh and I spotted an error - should have been 'messy kisses' instead of 'mess kisses'. Otherwise, great job. :)