Reviews for Blooming Iris
SmokingEngraved chapter 19 . 2/23/2012

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I. Strongly. Dislike. Shane.

I do, I really do. And this bet business is bound to get BOTH of 'em in trouble. A jealous Richard is a sexy Richard :3

I'm up-to-date again! wheeeee

P.S. I still dunno what she drew
SmokingEngraved chapter 18 . 2/23/2012
Ugh, I missed this much? Richard's mother is such a PAIN. And so is this new guy, what's-his-face Shane. Eurgh, I already dislike him. STRONGLY.

Richard is such a sweetheart, with how he's fussing about Iris. In actuality, I don't really want her to talk to other people yet. Is that bad?
SmokingEngraved chapter 17 . 2/23/2012
-cries- I'M BACCCCCCCCCCKKKKK! Jeez, I HATE not having internet! Oh gosh I missed this soo much! Iris so retarded (in a good way :]) and she's a terrible staller xD

Moving on, she visits the orphanage! And and and Richard gets his party! :D

On a random note, I got back internet!
Pandora's Jar chapter 19 . 2/22/2012
Fictionpress, how could you. I could have sworn I reviewed this chapter already but whatever I'll just do it again. Good chapter. Sorry Shane, but if you were one of my characters I would have plans to write you off in the foreseeable future.. but he's kind of useful. Can't love all the characters. So anyway, thanks for the update! Looking forward to more. ~PJ
LDS Dreamer chapter 19 . 2/20/2012
Oooo! This is going to end with Iris getting hurt. I just know it. Most bets like that just hurt girls...I don't like Shane. Richard actually cares about the outcome and he realizes when things will go wrong. Like this for instance.
Whitney chapter 19 . 2/19/2012
Yay! More Drama! I love this chapter. It made me want to punch Shane in his face though. Haha. He was so arrogant and sure of himself. Now it's going to be very messy with Shane around. I LOVE IT. :D
jmr79au chapter 19 . 2/18/2012
I am so glad that Richard has finally admitted to himself that he likes Iris. Damn Shane. GO AWAY. Only hurt is going to come from this bet.
Alison chapter 19 . 2/17/2012
Woo hoo! New chapter! lol I loved it!
PandahNinjah chapter 19 . 2/16/2012
Hallejulah! You updated! ...Update soon? PlEEEAAAASSSSSEEEEE! Thanks again for writing an awesome story! :D
SweetDreamz3116 chapter 19 . 2/16/2012
This chapter. OH THE DRAMA! Update soon!
Whitney chapter 18 . 2/13/2012
OMG... Why did you stop? Ha ha. That is an awesome cliff hanger... now I'm anticipating on the next chapter. Write it quickly please :D
colissioncoures1415 chapter 18 . 2/11/2012
Please keep writing
Alison chapter 18 . 2/9/2012
Ooo Haha do i sense a love triangle coming? Haha I liked this chapter and i'm excited to find out what happens next!
Pandora's Jar chapter 18 . 2/7/2012
Thanks for the update! Not much to say on this one, well as always friend update when you can.
LDS Dreamer chapter 18 . 2/5/2012
I totally didn't see that coming...Lol. I already like Shane. Though he is going to pose a threat to Richard/Iris thing isn't he? I love two colored eyes!
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