Reviews for Jerks
Soonafter100 chapter 4 . 2/19/2011
Ur mean, leaving it like that, I want more!
pharmon chapter 4 . 2/19/2011
I love it keep writing!
Myst C chapter 4 . 2/19/2011
awesome chapter! i loved it but hated cade hes a jerk. but hes unresistable too! she should date spencer and make cade jealous very very jealous! mwahahahahahahahaha! kay update soon
midnight chapter 4 . 2/19/2011
Awesome wait for an update
pharmon chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
i love it! keep writing!
Clarise is too fine chapter 1 . 2/18/2011
i love this story so far. i can't decide if i like spencer or cade more..
Myst C chapter 3 . 2/17/2011
well i loved this chapter. i think she shouold go out with spencer and make the jerk cade jealous. why would spencer ask that question. cade likes her right thats why hes an asshole to her?
Soonafter100 chapter 3 . 2/17/2011
Please post soon, Cade makes me want more...I so want to know what she REALLY feels about her and what HE REALLY feels about her...PLEASE post soon!
LivesTooShort52 chapter 2 . 2/13/2011
Love it so far! Are you betaing (if that's even a word - oh well. o.o) yourself or is somebody your beta? No mistakes, really good plotline, I love it!

Please update soon!

I know I HATE it when my story is, like, 4 pages long on Microsoft Word, and then it's really short on here...

Please check out my book, Fiammetta the Fiery.

*Puppy eyes*
Soonafter100 chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
I like!
Soonafter100 chapter 2 . 2/13/2011
Myst C chapter 2 . 2/13/2011
cade really is a big jerk i want him to come begging to her on his knees to take him. lol. it could be taken wrong how angry she got because it was sudden and after they mentioned he got a girlfriend which could be seen as to her liking him and being jealous. this chapter is very interesting. i love the story so far cant wait for more update soon!
Shelia Hunkapoo chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
hahaha omg this is going to be an awesome story :) cant wait for the update :D
Myst C chapter 1 . 2/12/2011
sso far i like it. it seems its going to be very interesting. cade is a jerk but hes not too bad i guess and conner's pretty cool they should call her connie for short tho cause conner is just too male-ish. cant wait for the next chapter update soon.
LivesTooShort52 chapter 1 . 2/12/2011
Oh my gosh! Please keep it up! I love it so much. I really can't think of some advice to make this better right now, so sorry!

Please check out my book, Fiammetta the Fiery?
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