Reviews for Valentine's Day
XD chapter 1 . 3/28/2011
aw... this is really cute. i like it, they're so cute! i think that this is a good story. it's also funny. why don't you try writing more stories like this? :)
Too Much Info chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
I read this story twice.

I LOVE their relationship.

Nice work :)

It wasn't all that great. Some sentences were a bit awkward(like where you throw in Red and Pinky tid bit), but I still really liked it because of how you showed Johnny and Wendy's relationship.
Chuckie chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
Loved it, nothing bad to say about your piece of work but it's not common and i like that a lot, not to cheesy!

Really sweet! Thanks for sharing :P
Summer Giggles chapter 1 . 2/19/2011
Hello! (:

Well, I happen to stumble upon this story because of an anonymous reviewer claimed that my characters from my story were suddenly a part of yours. Of course, since I don't tolerate Plagiarism, I decided to check it out.

Honestly, 'this' wouldn't be called plagiarism. This is probably purely coincidental that you have characters named Wendy and Jonathan. Or the fact that you published the same date I updated (and maybe even later after I did). But really. Don't worry. I'm not taking any action. I just wanted to be a reviewer since I read the whole thing and thought it'd be nice to be the first to review.

I think the story's good. The details were well-written. Wendy and Johnny's relationship is cute. They're just your average normal couple. Nothing too fluffy - in a good way, of course.

Blekh. I stink at trying to give criticisms. O:

Well, anyways, good luck for future stories! (: