Reviews for Melody
Tool Master chapter 8 . 3/27/2011
Oh, I've got nothing against profanity it's just the amount and how you use it, of course there will always be someone behind me saying they like that, so it's really insignificant in the long run.
Dark Day chapter 14 . 3/26/2011
Wow, so many updates in a few days, you're spoiling us and I don't want it to stop!

Glad that the revalations didn't go totally smoothly (well not for Addy) but I think it adds reality to the situation as not everyone can accept straight off though obviously hope she comes round.

Also wonder what sort of test Willy will come up with and can Addy do it...
jicalazuxil chapter 14 . 3/25/2011
First. Happy. Because brotherly love is the best and if it were me, the bro would be with me all the way.

But, there is angst and it's his /mom/ and that hurts. Poor Addy.

(I'm bitchin but I like the chappie. Always. Lest you kill someone. Or something as evil)
jicalazuxil chapter 13 . 3/25/2011
Meet the family! Great! So far, so good- sorta.
jicalazuxil chapter 12 . 3/25/2011
What a dinner. I'm disliking Willy, but I get where he's coming from. Though I still think he's a toerag (I don't know where I've read that before..)

More smut. Yum.

(I might try that "sperm bank thing" on my answring machine )
jicalazuxil chapter 11 . 3/25/2011
Oh. I like Milo POV. And I like sexy Milo-copness. Haven't seen much of that. Er, I mean, in action.

Willy date. Ha.
jicalazuxil chapter 10 . 3/25/2011
It did indeed sound like a porno. A very delicious not icky porno. More relationship development. I'd been wondering about that. I mean, there had to be someone Add had to be introduced to. And of course, vice-versa. The big family drama draws closer... will Addison reunite with his estranged father? Will he make up with his mother? WILL HE MANAGE TO STAY OUT OF MILO'S PANTS NOW THAT HE?S HAD A TASTE OF HIM? Stay tuned.
jicalazuxil chapter 9 . 3/25/2011
Jesus on a biscuit? I'm gonna use that one.

Ahh... I liked this "talking" thing. Gives some nice insight.
jicalazuxil chapter 8 . 3/25/2011
When in doubt... google it.

A wonderfully descriptive smut scene. Satisfied my inner pervert.
jicalazuxil chapter 7 . 3/25/2011
Just one word. KAWAII!

(I am /such/ a squeeing fangirl. ew.)

Nose biting! Room destroying! THE KISS!

(XD poor Addy in the park)

O dear. Willy has come (again) and is probable going to be an ass.
jicalazuxil chapter 6 . 3/25/2011
That was easy. Getting rid off Tucker I mean. I was kinda glad it was too; not everything has to go horribly bad.

A PUPPY! Cute! (mine is sleeping on my feet at the moment though he's barely seven months old I have trouble calling him a puppy considering how huge he is.)

Milo's afraid of Mickey? XD

Ay ay ay ay... hither cometh the inner "am I gay?" hilariousness. Um. don't know if that made sense but my brain doesn't want to think now-
jicalazuxil chapter 5 . 3/25/2011
Aw... poor Milo. Sniffles. He's cute when he's- turned on? XD
jicalazuxil chapter 4 . 3/25/2011
Ahaha... and so it begins. Aw, that was some cute angsty moment, don't throw me out please... um, yeah.

The shower. *_*

Cause if you die, I'll have to kill you, you know. Yet another wonderful Addison line.
jicalazuxil chapter 3 . 3/25/2011
Addison just has me thinking of some high on sugar Zack Addy (Bones). Which is weird, but you calling him Add... just makes me make that connection.

Melody/Add is a musical genius! Oh, I hope that gets explored later on.

I like how things have turned out with Milo offering his house and all...
jicalazuxil chapter 2 . 3/25/2011
Steel-eyes has a name!
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