Reviews for Love and Roommates
Guest chapter 3 . 2/8/2013
Love this!
mz stancil94 chapter 3 . 7/29/2011
Keep writing...this chapter was really good..please make them longer though
samimi chapter 3 . 7/8/2011
Noticed it's been a while since you updated, please tell me you plan on continuing this story and I also hope it has regular updates. Has real potential.
samimi chapter 1 . 7/8/2011
Please tell me you're going to continue. I have only read the first chapter and I love it.
miraclez22 chapter 3 . 6/21/2011
Loving this can't wait to
mya2chi chapter 3 . 6/19/2011
I love this story. I just found it today. Please continue. I have added it to my favorite list.

I have one suggestion, please have some prrof read. Another set of eyes can come in handy. If you do not have some one, I will be happy to help.

gabriella7 chapter 3 . 6/9/2011
omg I love this story! You could cut the tension with a knife...I can't wait for them to get to know each other, wow
Brenda1257 chapter 2 . 5/10/2011
I am really enjoying this story. Please update soon.
kell369 chapter 2 . 4/17/2011
yay i am happy that u r back and cannot wait 4 the next update )
livelovelacrosse chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Love it.

Brit Zachar
kell369 chapter 1 . 2/23/2011
enjoying the story so far and cannot wait for an update

i love reading bw/wm stories and i am happy to have yours to read

Celineq chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
I want to read this story but spacing! Spacing is key and It's all lumped together and hard to follow, you should try a format like this: /s/4908852/1/
toonmili chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
I didn't read it. You need to fix the spacing in this. It's horrible. You either wrote long paragraphs or the document didn't format properly when it was uploaded either way it's unreadable. I will love to read but you really should fix it.
SpiceyGirl chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
I love the fact that your writing about a interracial couple. Thats very refreshing and I'm definitely going to be following your story.

The only suggestion I have to make is - Please break down your paragraphs, its really difficult to read huge, seemingly endless, blocks of text.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Good Work.
