Reviews for Darling
jollyrancher chapter 3 . 3/15/2011
Your first 3 chapters are very interesting. I like the dialogue, but I sometimes wish there was more description of action. I was a bit confused at first about their relationship and the plot in general, but I'm understanding the situation better as you reveal it (which, I'm guessing, was your intention). I really like the characters, and I'd like to know more directly what they're thinking. Put me in their heads more. I'm enjoying the whole two voices thing...

Can't wait to read more! I believe R&R is read and review. ;)
SophieInPink chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
This first chapter is quite unique. It doesn't seem like a typical Romance story, which is def a good thing. Also, can I just say - THE SUMMARY? BLOODY AMAZING! It certainly enticed me and it's just really fab overall.

Keep it up,

soph xx
sheepy-brownie chapter 3 . 3/11/2011
Hey :)

understanding your pain of lack of reviews and reading your profile your story caught my attention so I thought I'd drop a note :)

I like how you swap between points of view - I do that too! :D

I actually think its a really interesting idea you've got and its different which makes it stand out ;)

Oh and don't be disheartened if you're not getting much feedback, it will come :D

and I will read on as soon as you update which I hope you do son! :P