Reviews for Nandi's Pets
Laniessa chapter 2 . 3/28/2011
2); gain her trust first. And make him all heroic-ly wimpy.

onto the feedback

Nandi is adorable! Her excitable jumpy self is rather cute, and I can't wait to see more of her!

Also, thanks for clearing the appearance up. Pretty much just anime, right?
midnight candy chapter 2 . 3/27/2011
3) put him up in her room.

i love this story! but it's kinda sad how they treat Glister. TT can't till chapter 3! :P
ItazuraKitsune chapter 2 . 3/27/2011
Your welcome! I think 3 is much better since Glister is sheltered and might prevent him going sick I can't wait for your next update! I really like the way you wrote!
Laniessa chapter 1 . 3/20/2011
A bit dark for me there but I hope that's just the beginning.

I think the best part was the fifth to third paragraph from the bottom.

Also, I'm not entirely sure on what the 'men' are. Are they anthro-humans?
ItazuraKitsune chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
The story is interesting I can't wait for their appearance should I imagine them or will you describe them?(your characters)

Anyways I can't wait for the next chappy! _