Reviews for The Brilliant Golden Easter Egg
TheFirstLostGirl1987 chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
Cool, can't wait for the next chapter
E.Nelson chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
Her roots were dyed red? Do you mean the tips are? :)

Very good start to the story, I like it so far :) Good luck with all of the characters. I have a hard time myself with more than a few at a time, especially all at once. It's just hard to keep up with lol.

But anyway, keep up the good work :) I'm looking forward to reading more!
pj chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Great job with the edit. Don't worry about the length, first chapters should be pretty short anyway.
BlackFire101 chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
(Sorry not signed in)

Well, the idea is really good, but the first chapter is written in a way that I wouldn't start a story. Usually you would let the readers see how things are done with a holiday/their traditions/beliefs in a prologue. And instead of having a list of friends and/or people and how they relate to each other, it would be better to write the story and show that way, how the characters interact. I believe that having so many characters may be a little hard for you to deal with, so you may want to stick with a few and make the others secondary characters. Other than that, it sounds interesting.
PJ Draft chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
Its a short intro, but I am glad you posted. You have alot of characters listed. I will recomend now to avoid placing too many characters into your story right from the begginning when you post the next installment. I wish you luck though. I can't wait to read the first chapter. -pj