Reviews for Shelter from the Storm |
Guest chapter 62 . 4/30/2018 What? Even this story isnt completed? So disappointed. I've reading it for days. |
StaceyMarieWrites chapter 62 . 7/28/2013 Just read through from 1-62. Got some useful tips for you It needs proof reading, in some places his/ him and her become mixed up eg you use her instead of his/him Also wyatt and lucky have the same conversations about what happened to Elena twice at the hospital. I can't remember what chapter that was but it was definitely a repeat of something that already happened. I think it was within two chapters of each other And at one point it's a scene between Elena and Lucky on the porch and Royals name pops up when it should be Lucky There was also a lot of reminding people that Elena got beaten up really bad by someone. It felt kind of unnecessary seeing that everyone knows. How about getting yourself a beta to proof read for you? Just some useful things for you to look at it. Keep it up though, the story line is good! |
foxyricanlady chapter 60 . 1/10/2013 Great update. Its been a long time. I hope for more soon. But I would like to see this story progress a little more and not drang for to long cause it could get a little boring and dull. But I like it any ways. Please update soon |
KQ chapter 58 . 12/1/2012 man! royal needs to die and she needs to sleep wit lucky already! lol |
insomniac895 chapter 58 . 10/30/2012 When I read about lynette I really wanna shake her hard and scream at her : cutt it out beyotch! The world doesn't revolve around you! |
Binenthorne chapter 57 . 10/26/2012 Loved the chapter, and I REALLY do hope she regains her memory, or Royal slips up somehow! Justice is far overdue. Also, could Wyatt very well be Elena's father? What was the relationship like between him and Lulu? Hmmmm, questions questions. Your presistence is a God's send. :) |
Tezzah chapter 56 . 10/22/2012 Great chapter! :D |
foxyricanlady chapter 56 . 10/18/2012 I just love this story. Hope elena and lucky take a change on them see where that goes |
Guest chapter 55 . 8/27/2012 love it can't wait for more |
Nocturnal Rose1 chapter 53 . 7/12/2012 Love it can't wait for more! |
TouchOfChaos chapter 53 . 7/3/2012 Elena is being an idiot and everyone else around her are being stupid too. There is something wrong with her relationship with that dumbass. She's helping him cheat on his fiancée but no one seems to think that's a problem. And Lucky is supposed to be doing "all he can" to find out who beat her up but he isn't doing shit. They're alll just letting Elena be stupid. |
littlemiss76 chapter 53 . 7/2/2012 My suspecion is Lynette and Ellena have the same father... The one who attacked Ellena was Lynette's mum she is still holding a grudge about her husband and Ellena's mum affair and the fact the Royal was sleeping with Ellena added fuel to the fire. |
foxyricanlady chapter 53 . 7/2/2012 This crazy does royal know anything else other then fuck every women in town. I cant wait for Lucky and elena to give a shot pleaese update soon |
insomniac895 chapter 52 . 6/2/2012 i've loved your writing but i feel like your dragging it out a bit! any ways, glad you updated! |
Providance chapter 51 . 5/15/2012 Love it can't wait for more! |