Reviews for a fairy
Athena-Persephone chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
I liked this piece of flash fiction. It was... odd. But that's a good thing. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't really understand what was going on. Would you be so kind as to explain what just happened in your story?

I kind of got the impression that the fairy killed the human. But what does D'habhoit mean? And other things like when the fairy says: That's just a myth you know. And "ice cold skin, inhalation, he falls to the ground". I think you're just going to have to explain what happened. LOL

Sorry to be such a novice. I just didn't get it for some reason. Other than the part about the fairy killing the human. That's the only part I got.
archiche chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
This was... interesting. I'd like to give you some con. crit, but either my brain isn't working or... it wasn't really long enough for me to give con. crit on it. It was interesting and thought provoking, and I did enjoy reading it. I think the style could work well for a prologue to a longer story, or a way of doing fragmented dream sequences, or something like that.

Although it has a bit of poetry to it, it doesn't really read as a poem (in my opinion, but I don't know much about poetry except that it's all very subjective :P).
Musa chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
Very creepy, once I figured it out. And I love the way you used the brackets, for some reason.

Nice. Especially ice-cold inhalation. :)
Mr.McSpiff chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
Just a myth? You devious little... Bah! That's why I want to start wearing an iron, Iron Cross pendant. Iron-iron, new metal. YAY!

Tired ramblings aside, I like this format, though I can't quite tell why. Seems very noir-y in my head, which fit the scene itself pretty well. I like!
Lord Jace chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
Hmm, Interesting. I have hard time reading between the lines but I like the idea.