Reviews for I Would be Lying
LifeAsRose chapter 2 . 12/7/2013
Omg that was even better! I thought the first one was good but this is like, magic. Like if the first ending was a pretzel this one was a white-chocolate covered pretzel dipped in happiness. Okay. Weird comparison. Just go with it, kay? Kay.
LifeAsRose chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
OH. MY GOD. Don't hate anyhing aBOUT this! It's the cutest most adorablest most perfectst thing in the whole entire world! Ahhhhh! Now i want a best friend with an older brother! (And yes, I have recieved many comments on by excessive usage of exclamation points. #firstgradeteacher) haha sorry I only use hashtags for things that don't make sense. I love that song btw! :)
jack jack attack chapter 2 . 8/24/2013
I actually liked this alternative ending a lot better than the original one. Great story! I really enjoyed every moment of it.
anonymousvoice chapter 2 . 12/30/2012
okay. so here's the deal. i like this story. a lot. BUT my issue is the ending...both of them. they're both alright but after reading both of them i picture the ending best suited for this story to be a mixture of them at the going away party and they dance to hey there delilah and then they go out to the patio to talk and the conversation about death happens..i think that would prolly work the best..
but both endings work well..i just kind of pictured this one after i read both
you're a really good writer though and i can't wait to read your other stories ]
Alexasinead chapter 2 . 9/26/2012
Started my day with this story. Amaizing
urtenshii chapter 2 . 8/28/2012
I'm so lucky I was trying to find a mood-lifter today and found this. YEEEY!
I read this when you first posted it and liked it very much, especially with its quirky characters and hilarious narrating. Oh, there were a few errors, mostly on grammar and spelling. But nothing a small editing can't fix.
Anyway, I was a bit sad with the ending. I mean, yeah, they kissed and all but he's still leaving her, right? That's kind of a cliffhanger-ish bittersweet moment. The alternate ending also was a good one. It was better written compared to the first chapter. Still though, it was not yet done for me. So, yeah, I'll be waiting for that epilogue :))
Keep on writing! :))
justjuice chapter 2 . 8/20/2012
This was a really gooodddddddd story, Im glad u added this chapter, cause the end before wasn't that great, but this one was perfeccttt! Loved this story so much and great work.
lolafied chapter 2 . 8/17/2012
I don't think that there's any possible way for me to love this alternate ending more. *heart*. Absolutely amazing! Can't wait for an epiligoue (however in the hell you may spell that word - i haven't been able to spell anything since my browser stopped spellchecking :'() and you're an awesome awesome awesome writer :)
theKnobblyKneedWriter chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
The ending is great. The story is great. You are great. I loved this.
SacredGrace412 chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
I LOVE IT! Update soon! :D
MozzieX chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
Gorgeous! haha I fell in love with Josh. Yeah its a bit corny, but hey I Would Be Lying if I said I don't love corny. I think everyone does in truth. Anyway, you've got talent. Good luck :D
xEchoxInfernox chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
very cute).
lovably17 chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
whateverfloatsyourboat chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
This is so cute. A few misspellings here and there, but I like the storyline.
LaffyTaffy1015 chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
This was really god. It made me tear up. Josh kinda reminds me of the guy i like, but he cut off all of his long ish hair and now im sad. So, changing the subjuct, I really like the ending but it would be good if you made an epilogue cuz idk it was kinda like a cliffhanger so yeah.
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