Reviews for Cutting
aesthetic umbrella chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
This is just so beautiful in the fact that it is real. Thank you.
DarkAngelGal chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Awww...u have a great, understanding friend!
When i told 2 of my friends, one of them 4got and the other one demanded to know where the cuts were.
Luckily, I don't cut in life threantening places or else she probably would of told my parents.
Also i recall one time she said, "Cutting is stupid." :/
Anyway, this was an interesting essay.
And probably only cutters will read this, cuz the other ppl don't want to be bothered with this stuff.
Broken-Lithium chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
Last Letter, you have no idea in hell how much I appreciate this. It's like all of my thoughts, all of what I've ever felt on this sensitive subject, written. You're a stranger, but you understand so much better than even my close friends can. Yes, I'm a cutter and what you wrote is so real to me. It's like this story was a mirror.

For once I feel like I'm not crazy, like I'm understood.

Thank you so much.

~Naux/Lithium chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
Hey. I really like this essay. It literally brought tears to my eyes because I could relate to it so well. So yes, I admit that I cut but never really to the point of bleed. I never want to get to that point. It's an emotional problem I have that is kinda hard to break. But it only happens when Im at my breaking point. Thank you for writing this. If you want to reply just put "/ask" on the link above. Thanks.