Reviews for Magic Hour
leavemeialone chapter 6 . 8/4/2013
I have really enjoyed this story. It may be a long shot but I hope you do update this! Life gets busy, so it is understandable if you don't. But I am sure fans will be surely very sad. I love everything about this story. I have to admit, I am not a movie buff. Many of the movies listed, I have yet to see them. I know . . . crazy right? I always worry you will accidentally give out movie spoilers for these movies because these movies are so good. If it helps, these movies are on my list of movies to watch . . . when I have time to. There is something about Max that makes him so freakin' amazing. I can see how he is Devon's best friend and hopefully one day more?! I love Devon and Max moments. Their days sound so amazing. I envy those two!
theheroine chapter 6 . 10/15/2012
Please update soon! I love your story and I love max!
Regina chapter 6 . 5/31/2012
Hi :)) Please please update! I love your story its soo good! I love Max!
Chocolate is Yummy chapter 4 . 4/27/2012
Seems interesting! I adore movies and you have a handful of my favourites here. _ Good taste, you. Keep it up.
CONVERSEically Obsessed chapter 6 . 3/27/2012
Man when are her and Evan going to break up? Not fair! Anyways I liked the chapter.
Luvfanfics chapter 5 . 1/4/2012
I liked Tales of Sadie baker better
ranika chapter 5 . 12/26/2011
that was such a wonderful story. I fell in love with Max! PLEASE UPDATE!
Mason Title chapter 5 . 11/27/2011
I love your story. Just have to let you know, and I look forward to the next chapter with great anticipation. I understand what you mean about not having much time to work on your story, but the time you are able to put into it, and the time you do, is totally worth it. you have me and other readers awaiting the next chapter, perhaps some like me wondering if Devon's boyfriend is in fact cheating on her with the ultra-fake blond.

Anyways, thanks for writing this story! it cures my writer's block (i think it was the purple converse)!
Freakleash chapter 5 . 11/27/2011
I wish I could beg you to update more often, but ahh, school. Takes up so much of our time. Also, I quite enjoy the long chapters we get.

Fifteen more chapters is such a long way to go. Great job so far, and good luck with the rest! Hope you can update soon :)

(Sorry, too lazy to log in :D )
Kristen196 chapter 5 . 11/26/2011
Ahh! I love a good Meatballs AND Pulp Fiction refrence all in one! Props! Wicked long chapter! I liked it!
Macey Young chapter 4 . 11/19/2011
OMGGGGG SOOOO GOOD! please continue updating! I love this story much! pleaseeee!
sakuranbochan chapter 4 . 10/7/2011
Awwwe. this is so cute.

Max is extremely nice, fun, and warm. He's also very sweet to kids. Too bad guys in this generation isn't half as good as he is. :/

Though, I still prefer Jesse over him because Jesse is very charming and charismatic. Jesse is just more appealing to me. I'm a sucker for cool guys than the energetic ones.

I kind of feel bad for you since mostly everyone's comparing Max with Jesse and Devon with Sadie. :( But then again who am I to talk? i'm one of them. :/

Devon is very cool. Sometimes I wish I was more like her, calm, mature, nice, and reliable. :)

Devon and Max would be a sweet couple. I bet they would be even more lovable later on when their relationship grows.

Why did Devon settle for someone like that boyfriend of hers? o.O i'd rather stay single.

anyways. please update sooon! :D

we love your stories~!
Shelly259 chapter 4 . 8/29/2011
Oh my god I love this! It's the best thing I've read in a really long time. I love love love max and I adore Devon. Please update soon!
Shelly259 chapter 2 . 8/29/2011
Ok just wanna say I am in love with max. And that I loved the sixteen candles reference. Hilarious! I'm loving this so far :)
Sucker4YOU chapter 4 . 8/26/2011
Oh MY Gawd! I laughed so hard at the end! And just a question, her fake orgasism totally turned him on didn't it? Oh and I love this chapter, because it shows that Max at least likes her that way. Just so you know, I really dont like Evan. He's just in the way, maybe you should kill him off. He could die in a plane crash or maybe just get really injured coming home from cheating on Devon and then she would depend on Max for a shoulder to cry on and there would be feelings developed after that. Both are appealing to me. Also me thinks that Zoe has a little bit of a crush on Max. Oh well. SO update sooner this time. PLEASE! And you know I would be fine if Max decided to walk around in his boxers in the next chapter too. Just so you know...
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