Reviews for The Blonde Romeo
Secrets chapter 4 . 6/16/2013
Anna smiled when Abigail nodded at her. "Hi, I'm Abigail Roberts and I'm a sophomore. I'm playing Juliet and I'm glad to meet you guys." She said, grinning.

See ur mistake? If u don't then, well, you introduced Anna as abigail.
shugarkuki97 chapter 17 . 10/17/2011
Hey great story! Just got one question about the characters Anna and Jeffery, is she taller than him?
KVARIANT chapter 21 . 8/1/2011
Thank you so much for writing this! Reading this just made my summer EPIC! XD
KVARIANT chapter 20 . 8/1/2011
KVARIANT chapter 14 . 8/1/2011
Oh! This is so stressful! Imma keep reading! XD Thanks so much for making this story, and posting it XD
KVARIANT chapter 4 . 8/1/2011
Once again! This was brilliant! I just wanted to mention that when you wrote Anna's turn down, this is what happened: "Anna smiled when Abigail nodded at her. "Hi, I'm Abigail Roberts and I'm a sophomore. I'm playing Juliet and I'm glad to meet you guys." She said, grinning."

So, yeah :) Just a little note...
KVARIANT chapter 2 . 7/28/2011
Awesome awesome awesome! Imma read some more tomorrow... I've been too long on the computer today...
KVARIANT chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
I like reading about my name... especially since I'm the main character! But I'm more of a brownish blond then complete brunette... and me and my bro don't get along all too well...

ANYWAY! Praising your story for creating such an epic name, and the story itself seems quite cute :3

It was awesome; the description, language... it seemed life real life, and like I was among it all... This was honestly shocking and beautiful XD I'm reading more!
NeverEndingMoons chapter 21 . 7/4/2011
I vote for the first story!

This story was amazing by the way, I had a really fun time reading it to the very end.
Julianna Heart chapter 21 . 6/25/2011
OK, so just saying I LOVED this story. Very much. And I DEFINATELY want to read the one about Jordan dressing up like a boy. (I know you said to write either 1 2 or 3 but the label wasn't in front so I just wanted to be 100% sure that it was that one.) I have read stories similar to that and have enjoyed them, but I really want to see your unique twist on it. Can't wait!
U MadeMyLifeComplete chapter 20 . 6/23/2011
SO SO SO CUTE :) Wow it's finely over but i wish it wasn't I could read this story forever. I can't wait to read more of your stories since your such an amazing writer :D
U MadeMyLifeComplete chapter 21 . 6/23/2011
number 3 with Sarah and John it's kinda hard to tell which ones which since you didn't right the numbers in front of them :)
chewychester chapter 19 . 6/20/2011
This is my favorite chapter I could read it 5 more times and it was the hottest chapter too! :P
Spontaneous Juju chapter 21 . 6/19/2011
Okay, so I couldn't really tell which story was which, but I think I liked the second idea... it seemed like it might have sort of gotten mixed in with the first one. :P Whoops! I really want to know what this secret it that turns her normal life not-so-normal! (Especially since it begins on a stormy October morning...) :D So I guess my answer is 2. :)

-Spontaneous Juju
Spontaneous Juju chapter 20 . 6/19/2011
I know this is the epilogue, but I can't help myself... I'm going to have to be critical here. *Wince* Sorry! I just noticed that the descriptions you used were sort of repetitive. I understand that everyone's all happy and excited, but you kept mentioning them grinning/smirking/laughing in every line. As long as you write the situation so that we can expect them to be smiling/laughing, they don't need to "grin" before/after everything they say. Especially since it happened with every character, it just seemed sort of like you ran out of adjectives/adverbs and used the same ones for every character over and over. However, other than that, this is a really awesome epilogue. I especially like how you worked the "blonde Romeo" bit into the last sentence.

Overall, I've really had a great time reading this story. I hope you don't hate my reviewing guts by now, because I'm looking forward to more of your writing and seeing you improve! (Not because you're bad, but because everyone evolves as a writer as time goes on.) Keep writing!

-Spontaneous Juju
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