Reviews for Chasing the Moon Rough Draft
Guest chapter 1 . 2/4/2014
Hi I've already read dis story and I think its absolutely brilliant u should make da next story bout anothey n abby n dey realtionship wid each other n his family I mean I would defo read it. I think dey should hav dey own story as dey only mentioned a bit in dis one so yea da next story should b bout these 2...
Ayame Yoshida chapter 2 . 7/31/2013
I love lax and the players are generally sexy cause its a tough sport.
jerrellsgirl112606 chapter 38 . 6/27/2013
Hey i just reviewed this but i wasnt singed in so it went in as guest. I just wanted you to know who reviewed your story. Like i said omg i loved this story. I didnt say it before but i cant wate to read your other storys.
Guest chapter 38 . 6/27/2013
Omg i loved this story! It was amazing! I loved everthing about it. I was just wondering what happend to Abby and Anthony? Pluse I think you should do another one to have more about Cole and Caleigh. I want to know if they have kids and if so how many and what they are like.
AriTakahashi chapter 5 . 6/7/2013
Yes...the review button...its calling my name...and its saying that I love this story because I've red it twice already, but I can get enough!
Guest chapter 40 . 7/17/2012
My first review! After the story is over. Well, I am disappointed that the story is over at chapt. 37. It's suppose to be 40 chapters.

Maddy, I liked it am am surprised at your story telling capabilities. WOW! I didn't read the other books about wearwolfs
Betty Seaborne chapter 4 . 6/15/2012
Like so far!
The.Girl.With.Pen.and.Paper chapter 40 . 4/1/2012
I'm on wattpad, and it's much simpler to post then fictionpress. though if you don;t like it, then that's you choice :/. I wouldn't go on inkpop, because it's really hard for us to go to another chapter.

So I'm not sure, I was going to recommend wattpad, but i saw that you used it. Good luck in finding a new site :)
do-you-need-to-know-my-name chapter 3 . 2/17/2012
are you a mia thermapolis fan because i was thinking about the orange cat called louie because in the mia thermopapolis books theres an orange fat cat called fat louie
musicalfishieXD chapter 3 . 1/31/2012
If you care, this is my penname. I love it so far-and you kinda. Olympic spirit is SO fun to play, clarinet or trombone, and I suggest epic score. They're a band(?). But I play clarinet, I'm good at math, and I'm a swimmer! Haha couldn't help it.
christy chapter 5 . 1/26/2012
heeey! NICE chapter! i liiike it! 3

the only thing i noticed are subtle similarities to Twilight? in character traits and placement. i do, however, still ADORE this story :) and i think you've done a very good job :D
Abrasive chapter 15 . 1/23/2012
Really good story so far - the sexual tension between Cole and Caleigh is sizzling. Furthermore, you managed to characterise them both in interesting ways.

However, the story could benefit from more description to temper the dialogue. Also, there are a few things which seem very glossed over, for example, it's almost as if Caleigh has completely forgotten about Cole's healing abilities. And I find it a bit weird that Abby would encourage her friend to pursue a guy who punched her.

Also, there are a few spelling and grammatical errors you might wish to edit later on. Particularly the use of 'drug' instead of 'dragged' (a lot of people make this mistake when referring to the past participle of 'drag').

Having browsed the remaining chapters, I can see that there is going to be more of a split focus between Cole/Caleigh and Anthony/Abby. Personally, I don't like it when stories do this. I'm already invested in Cole/Caleigh so any focus on Anthony/Abby annoys and distracts me. So I'm bowing out of reading the rest. But it was definitely a worthwhile effort. Well done! :)
Maddielala56 chapter 39 . 1/22/2012
Amazing story! I'm so glad I found it!
Melody'sInMyHead chapter 38 . 1/22/2012
WOW! This is unbelievable! I think I fell in love with coal! I can't believe Caleigh is a wolf, nor that Auden died! I loved this story, i really couldn't put my laptop down! You are a amazing writer and plan to check out some of your other stories! Thank you so much for this!

aspiringauthor95 chapter 38 . 1/21/2012
Perfect! Just absolutely amazing. Once again you astound me with how much emotion you can get into those characters. It's just so beautiful:)

Ps. There was a little mistake at the beginning with the POV. It goes from third to first person...I'm not sure if that was intentional or what but it kinda distracted me.
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