Reviews for The New Uniform
MagnificentFern chapter 5 . 11/17/2012
This fiction is really sweet and really well written, I would love to read more ! :)
Skyless11 chapter 5 . 10/2/2012
Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God!
This was Adorable BEYOND saying. Never Never NEVER have I read such an extent of adorability or adorableness or how ever you want to make this word but it was amazingly adorable with butterfly-pooping-rainbow-eating-unicorns and puffy sweet sugar-cotton pink clouds and nice warm breezes and sparkles everywhere and candy and lolipops. You get the idea. Amazing. Purely amazing!
Moreover. I have nothing to say.
Perfect style, perfect choice of words, perfect touch of reality, perfect connection with the characters. Where have you been the whole time?! and why don't you have much much much more written?! because now I have to painfully wait till next chapter QQ
I see though that it's been a while since last update. A slump? Yeah me too... The characters are together. now what?! :( hopefully you get over it soon xD (me too that is) cuz I can't wait for ur next chapter.
3 Sky
nffhkasjfnbsdkjb chapter 5 . 8/31/2012
Oh, I'm just dying for you to update this, it's super cute XD

nffhkasjfnbsdkjb chapter 4 . 8/30/2012
'"I'm sorry I'm so weird." He whispered.' Oh my gosh, that is such a sweet sweet line!

This story is completely adorable. I am in love with the tenderness and the anticipation and I think you have paced it just about perfectly:)

nffhkasjfnbsdkjb chapter 3 . 8/30/2012
Their growing closeness is wonderful. Your characters are so vivid and grounded and real! Really lovely sensitive writing:)

nffhkasjfnbsdkjb chapter 2 . 8/30/2012
This is good, so good!:) I found the first chapter a little slow, but I find sometimes the necessary amount of information you have to give a reader can slow it up, and you have a very detailed style (which I am enjoying greatly) but I think at first the details you were describing didn't hold so much weight as the characters were barely introduced. Anyway, I'm glad JHeartbreak recommended this to me. I'm looking forward to reading on!

Yaleni chapter 5 . 8/25/2012
Ugh! Omg i cant! I really cant! This is too freakin sweet and adorable and all the feels ughh. Really you dont know how much my face hurts from smiling so hard. Great chapter and great story. Eagerly looking forward for more!
einekleineschreiberin chapter 5 . 8/8/2012
I really love your writing style and I just adore Julian.
xfffxfxfx chapter 5 . 8/8/2012
What I love most about this story is the overwhelming sensation of freshness, a springlike budding of youthful sexuality. It's probably significant that Isaiah moves from his isolated mother's house (childhood) into a realm of movement and action and potential sexual partners. It's very metaphorical.

Characters are good, setting is good, plotting is good, there are no parts to this chapter (or story) that stick out as pointless or distracting. Your prose style is mild but does the job. All of this is good, but it's still the sensation of budding love that keeps the story moving.

I'm very much glad you are continuing this story. I feared that you were done, that you weren't going to update anymore, and that would have been a crying shame. No pressure, but I am looking forward to the next chapter.
heyitsstupidme chapter 5 . 8/7/2012
Great chapter :)
I was surprised that Isaiah was so brave to ask about sexual activity.
This should have more readers.
heyitsstupidme chapter 4 . 7/23/2012
I find the idea of the story great. Yes, Isaiah seems very innocent, I hope Julian doesn't hurt him or the other way round. This chapter was very mushy, but I liked it, it was very cute :)
Guest chapter 4 . 7/16/2012
i love isaiah. he seems sooo innocent
xfffxfxfx chapter 4 . 2/8/2012
This story is really good. I find the characters fresh and believable. The pacing is simply divine. That sounds like a really lame compliment, but I really feel you’ve hit the golden ratio of plot-events to words.

I find the idea that Isaiah had to be taught how to masturbate kind of silly. Not that you should change it, but it amuses me. I think the way that Julian is really sexualized, but fundamentally wants an emotional relationship to be a perceptive characterization.

I think your characterizations overall have been sensitive and apt. I really relish your characters and you give them all the space they need to be appreciated.

Hope you update soon!
Jill Montino chapter 4 . 1/6/2012
This chapter's so sweet. Their interaction feels so natural and Isaiah is still so wonderfully awkward in almost every situation, even though he's beginning to get better around Julian. Btw, I love Julian~ Always taking care of Isaiah and being so nice all the time. But for the plot's sake, I hope he'll snap over something soon. It doesn't have to be because of Isaiah, but sometime soon... because even though I love him, I still feel that this "niceness" is becoming somewhat suspicious~

I don't think that the chapter ends badly. It actually feels like it's the right place to end it, since it keeps us readers on the hook. We won't know what Julian's reaction to that statement is going to be until next chapter, and that way you can keep us. Kudos to you~

Well, overall it was a good, quiet chapter (I love your writing style SO MUCH) and I can feel how wet they got from walking in the rain. I'm eagerly awaitng the next chapter(s)!

- Jill
furthestcoast chapter 4 . 1/6/2012
So. fucking. cute.

Like... argh! Adorable!

You're doing great. :3
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