Reviews for Supernatural Inc
MySecretIndulgences chapter 33 . 7/18/2017
Yessssss. For a moment there, I was really scared this story was gonna have one of THOSE endings, then the chapters kept going, and now I love this ending. (Sorry, I know that makes little sense, but I want to keep the spoilers to a minimum.) LOVED IT. Especially Cassian. And Lucy. And Lucie. And...everyone mostly. Except for Jack. Gotta hate 'em.
MySecretIndulgences chapter 14 . 7/16/2017
Honestly, Laec and Kane were as slow as Sam and Dean to realize that. I'd assume Cassian spoke vampire, given that he is at least part vampire. Bless Lucy for having a brain.
Love the story so far, looking forward to reading the rest. :)
MySecretIndulgences chapter 11 . 7/16/2017
Ohhhh man was that hot! And the way Cassian held Laec was super sweet while also being sexy :3
lostlamb chapter 33 . 5/2/2015
This was great. So glad he's back. Wish we could see a bit more of Lucas though. Seems sad to part after hearing about him and seeing that he's such a happy person. It's so cute. You had me in emotional turmoil for like 30 minutes where I had to stop reading. Why would you do that and then the almost false hope. I thought he wasn't coming back and I was scared. He's back though. so it's okay. YAY!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/9/2015
... You've lost me. I have no clue what's going on as of this chapter.
Divanora chapter 33 . 12/7/2014
This was really good, I very much enjoyed it :) I'm sad it's over, I'd love to see more of Laec and Cassian!

One word of advice on transitions - they need a bit of work. If there's going to be a time skip or location change, it needs to be expressed in some way. There were a few times in the story that I had to reread a bit because I was quite confused as to what was going on :)
karpmagikarp chapter 33 . 8/26/2014
I like your story! I haven’t quite finished, mind you, but trust me when I say I’m itching to get there!

I enjoyed the relationship you painted between Laec and Cassian. I was expecting an abusive, one-sided relationship between them, but I’m impressed to see how you enveloped the pair. Their relationship isn’t ideal mind you, but given their circumstances… They’re fairing out pretty well! Overall, you did a beautiful job portraying relationships between characters and their development. I’d also like to give you a hand for the plot – I feel like you put a lot of thought into it, and to me, it shows.

In terms of criticism, I’d like to see more clearly-set transitions when going from scene to scene. Make it clear how much time has passed. Leave a clear ending to that scene. In other scenes, your writing becomes erratic and fast-paced. Take time to pace yourself. Be more descriptive of your surroundings. Flesh out your characters! Describe their actions in greater detail. Finally, you should try to avoid brackets. I found the commentary inside them pretty entertaining, don’t get me wrong! It would be amazing if you could find a way to include the contents within them without the brackets themselves, though.

On another note, the Tarunda plot, I will not lie, is something I feel you could improve on a fair bit. Why did it happen? What lead up to this event? Why are Other Laec and Other Cassian’s personalities switched? Why were they the only “Others” to breach our world? What is Tarunda like? I didn’t feel like this event was anything compared to the hype. I don’t get why Other Laec decided to kill on earth, and not Tarunda.

Keep on writing! I’d love to see more of your work!
ajashire1 chapter 33 . 7/31/2014
Aw I loved this! (made me an insomniac for a while though...) It was awesome, sweet, and pretty much just all around damn cool. Seriously a great journey :3
Sexy Shauna chapter 6 . 7/8/2014
I really like this story sooooo much it is incredibly awesome and i can't stop reading it, the only thing that gets me is that I get so confused when they use OTHER Cassian or OTHER Laec.
Mandy S. Bryan chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Great story. Read it in one session and really enjoyed it.
Addiena Saffir chapter 28 . 1/1/2014
I guess Laec conveniently forgot hybrid version of him from the other dimension... Then again there are a lot parts that seem to go with previous info but no one remembers.
Krimsyn chapter 33 . 11/30/2013
Good story, still kind of mad at you for Ch 27, but at least you fixed it...would have been some major wrath if you didn't :P
Unmei no Kaze chapter 33 . 9/21/2013
I loved this story! You made me cry though, a lot. But all good stories make people cry so go you :) thanks for writing this story ;)
Typical chapter 33 . 8/13/2013
Finally finished reading this! I'm tired and it's 4:30 in the morning but I couldn't stop. I just had to see how it ended.

Made me laugh and made me cry - something only the best stories can do.

Don't stop writing, okay?
- [{Ty}]
Guest chapter 33 . 8/1/2013
I just finished reading your story and I loved it but I seriously cried my fucking eyes out when cassian died T_T my nose was running and everything( I hope you're proud of Anyway I just wanted to say I really loved it and think you're awesome and I'd really like to see a sequel if you decide to actually make one. btw loved chapter 9 *wink* *wink* lol :D
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