Reviews for It's Gonna Take A Miracle
Mr. Songstress chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
the thing is, these arent stories...
TO-OLazyToLogin chapter 23 . 10/21/2012
Um...what is this story about, again?
BareFootSummer chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
After reading the first chapter I can tell already that I'm going to like this! I guess I know how I'm spending my evening! :D
LunarDuchess chapter 20 . 10/31/2011
Need . . . next . . . chapter. 0.0 What's going to happen next? I must know!
The Lost and The Found chapter 20 . 10/28/2011
So as I sit in my history class reading your chapter is extremely short. Also whenever someone is talking and you go to use another person to respond to said character, you should name who is speaking. At the end of this chapter I got really confused about who was speaking. you should also mention what is going on in the setting of the story while you are writing about what is happening. To me this guest speaker/guidance counselor came out of no where.

The Lost and The Found chapter 18 . 10/28/2011
Anthony is just messed up.
Nicole Amor chapter 17 . 8/15/2011
E. is really something else P
Poor Tammi, hopefully she won't let what other people think of her bring her down. O
David is a great friend(:
Anthony...still not on his side but we'll see P
Can't wait for more D
TheRiverRunsDeep chapter 17 . 8/15/2011
I would like to know the same thing, lol, great story please update soon!
girlthatwrites chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
I like the anthony tammi pairing, even if anthony is a little annoying. aneesah is funny, though I don't see why she just kind of randomly doesn't like the anthony...and it doesn't seem like she likes michael that much. it was very good.
Kkimweird chapter 9 . 8/12/2011
... Wow, is Anthony on his period? Because he's acting more moody then I do. Seriously, is he Bipoloar or something? He's all like 'we're just friends' then he wants her hand down his pants... some weird fucked up middle school this is.
Kkimweird chapter 8 . 8/12/2011
Why does she 'love' someone that's such a sexist? He's a jerk and if I was her I would have slapped him, kicked him where it hurts and spat on his face as he cries on the floor.

I don't know about Paul... there's not really a lot of information on him yet.
Kkimweird chapter 7 . 8/12/2011
I don't get why he wouldn't want her in his group if he knew he could get a hand job out of it... There seemed to be only one thing he cares about and it's between his legs.

I really still don't understand how they are pulling his off in class... There is like no way he could keep quiet and not make a mess if his thing was out.
Kkimweird chapter 6 . 8/12/2011
They are just way WAY too young for this! Who does that in the middle of class? When I was in middle school, I don't remember ever hearing something like this happening.
Kkimweird chapter 5 . 8/12/2011
Who's David? You should have at least some information on how they meet, why he's her new best friend and stuff like that.
Kkimweird chapter 4 . 8/12/2011
I'm sorry... I can't get over that this is in middle school! It's kind of hard for me to grasp that someone in middle school could be in love. The fact that it seems like she already 'loves' him is a little beyond me. I thought she just figured out that she had a crash on him. You don't go from crush to in love in a matter of days. It takes time. I personally just think this is going a little too fast. If it was slowed down a bit and more time was taking to develop her feelings, I think it would be a lot more believable.
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