Reviews for Dellafest
WereMagi chapter 3 . 12/15/2011
I could not but help leaving a review now, rather than wait for more chapters and understand the plot and all, BUT I HAVE A JOB THANK YOU!

WereMagi chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
I'm back!

So, like, My creactive juices are kinda stopped as the internet at home is screwed and I can't log in at achool, so it's the best time for me to read people's stories. Now that I have gotten past the requests, I can go back and read stuff from authors that I enjoy!

I won't give a proper reveiw yet, maybe chapter five, as I am butt lazy. But hey, compliments to keep you motivated will still serve you!

But yes, this chapter's delivery is nice. Splendid even. We don't do the whole dorm thing in Australia, so it's nice to read something different.

And now, to read the next few chapters!
Ravot chapter 3 . 8/11/2011
I like the characters, especially the teacher, but something feels off about the way the characters talk. Conversation feel a bit contrived, like they say the things they do just so that the narrator can have funny things to say to himself. Think more of how other people would really feel about moving in with someone, how pretty much everyone would be polite at least at first, ask each other where they're from, majors, stuff like that.

I guess for me the problem is that I'm not quite comfortable with the setting yet, although the story seems to be progressing apace without really addressing the strange feeling that the setting gives.
Polly Corvene chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
As first chapters go, I thought this was great. I like stories to start off slowly, and it still kept me interested. You did a good job of introducing the setting and the main (presumably) character. I thought that Isaac's narrative was amusing, and he seems like a likeable guy.

I think I spotted one or two grammatical mistakes, but they were only missing apostrophes, nothing too distracting. I look forward to reading Chapter 2!