Reviews for Till We Meet Again
JoyToMyWorld chapter 6 . 5/23/2012
hmm... have i reviewed this chapter? OH! looks like i didnt yet! AHAHAHAHAhahaha...ha. O.O

OKAY! OKAY! I'm sorry!

anyway, it was a really nice chappie except for the part where Aiden gets beat up which is practically every part of the chappie, huh?

dancemeaway chapter 6 . 4/3/2012

You're the best Jay! :)

Another kilig moment. :)

Can't wait for the next chapter!
dancemeaway chapter 5 . 4/3/2012

I love it! :)

You're so good bro!

Gonna read the next chapter. :)
dancemeaway chapter 4 . 4/3/2012
Another review!

:) hehehe...

As usual. :" kilig as ever!

What a FIT guy you have here. :)

Gonna read the next chapter. How exciting!
dancemeaway chapter 3 . 4/3/2012


Kilig moment right now!

Good one Jay! :)

Reading the next chapter! :D
dancemeaway chapter 2 . 4/3/2012
Here it is! My super late review. :))

Yay! an adventure. :D

Just wondering who is the big brother?

Anyways, keep it up!

I'm going to read the next chapters now. Hihihihi...
Stormclaw chapter 6 . 4/1/2012
Mmm... Yummy violence. If I was there though...

Poor leader. Great story.
AgentStrawberryFields chapter 5 . 11/3/2011
Oh, Fyren. :" So cute when he's being overprotective. And, AIDEN. Ahhhh... He and Claennis need to end up together. Soon.

Great work and keep it up! Update soon too!

-Over and Out-
JoyToMyWorld chapter 5 . 11/3/2011

referee: on the right is the challenger, with a thousand bulls on her side, JAYLOVESCOWS!

*JayLovesCows enter with bulls*

referee: on the left is the receiver of the challenge, with a thousand... what are those things?

*JoyToMyWorld & her animals advances towards them, but is still not seen because of the fog*


referee: you know what animal she brought?

JayLovesCows: I've got the greatest feeling that it's...

*JoyToMyWorld comes out of the fog with cats*

JayLovesCows: I knew it.

referee: the receiver has come out of the fog with a million cats on her side. SHE IS JOYTOMYWORLD!

JayLovesCows: JoyToMyWorld, review my story now and we do not have to do this.

JoyToMyWorld: NEVER! cats, ATTACK!

*fight starts*

Dear sister,

while we are battling, i am secretly writing your review. :D it seems that this will be the longest review due to our battle.

I really like your story and Fyren is as usual, awesome. I laughed when it said, "if anyone were to see this very scene, they could have thought that all hell broke loose." very good, very good. i would like to write more but i must concentrate on our battle. good day and it is a very nice story. :D



(here lies a drawing of an invisible cat)
JamboreeHattdog chapter 4 . 9/20/2011
Heeheee, Aiden is soooo cute forever. :" THEY SHOULD GET MARRIED SOON! :3 haha, kidd. DONT MIND ME IM JUST JEALOUS OF THEIR LOVE LIFE COS I HAVE NONE. :(( haha kidd kaaaaaay. KEEP IT UP! :"
AgentStrawberryFields chapter 4 . 9/20/2011
Good job, dude! Loved it! You better update soon! I want to read more on handsome Aiden. Hihi. :"

Oooooh. Fyren is pissed. Haha. Ahhh... I wanna know what happens!

BTW. I like all your characters names. They're all so cool and different. :D


-Over and Out-
Sahara Starhawk chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
I was literally astounded by the fine grasp you have on character development and strong narrative voice. It was such a pleasure to read and I am hoping for another chapter very soon!
JoyToMyWorld chapter 4 . 9/16/2011
I am a milk-hater and I dont CARE if I drown in cow milk! bleah! disgusting!


MUAH: I'm not afraid of you, cows! I dont care if you splash me with your DISGUSTING opaque white liquid that you call MILK! I dont care if you have a stampede just to run over me!

COWS: *part and make an aisle*

MUAH: uh oh...

BULL: GRRRR... *charges after MUAH*

Muah: *runs away from bull while crying anime tears* I ONLY HATE MILK! I DONT HATE BULLS! THEY DONT GIVE OUT MILK!

I love your chapter! its weaally weaally aaowsoum! :D I especially love the cow joke even though you keep telling me tha joke a hundred times! heehee. wo ai mao! :D chappie watashi wa daiski! :D



(here lies an invisible drawing of a cat)
Carnax chapter 3 . 9/7/2011
every chapter's getting better than the previous chapter. I'll be looking forward to other chapters, please make it quick. _
JamboreeHattdog chapter 3 . 9/7/2011
Good job, girl! HAHA. Good going. : Keep up the good work! Update more often. :" HAHAHA
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