Reviews for On a Stormy Night
breakthehabit chapter 1 . 10/11/2013
I am now gushing gooey blobs of my heart because this was so cute. xD
Dust Errant chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
Faye is awesome. Very well done character and she is definitely what made the story better than the norm imo.
With a Side of Chocolate chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
Awesome story!
Lizray chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I got to say SorenTheBranded your absolutely a great writer. The story was very well written and simply adorable. I really do think you could continue with it, but as a one shot it was truly excellent. I simple love how well the two characters were written and how you presented them. I also liked that you went slow with the physical aspect of their newly found relationship. It added validity to it, not everybody jumps everybody the instant they become attracted to them. Thanks for the great read.