Reviews for Blue Moon
Northfacegrl5 chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
So i'm guessing the fourth roommate was killed or went psycho
Soothsayer35 chapter 9 . 9/6/2011
Great story! Very different plotline, but well written and enjoyable.
Princess97 chapter 8 . 9/3/2011
I love this story so far! Is there actually a house like that, or did you make it up? For a while I was wondering if Mel hid his body somewhere.
sandcastlesinthesand chapter 8 . 9/2/2011

A fictionpress story hasn't been able to get that much of a reaction out of me in a while. I was seriously flipping out when he mentioned kissing her.

I think that you really built the story well. Like, I care about the characters and I just... I don't know. The idea of him kissing her makes me feel so tingly and happy!

But poor them!

I hope they find his body.

And Mel dies or something.

I don't know!

Update as soon as you can!
Tazz D'jecti Bonaparte chapter 4 . 8/31/2011
This is very good and interesting! I like the originality, and the whole idea! Very good! :)

Update soon!

~Tazz D.
sandcastlesinthesand chapter 6 . 8/30/2011

It's original and well written, and you actually have a plot development. Like, I don't even know how to explain it. The way she flips through the book and it has the text and the plot is actually progressing.. and there IS a plot... It's rare on fictionpress.

This is such a nice change.

I hope you update soon because this is addictive. I want to know what is going on.

Although I didn't really understand the end.

So, is she saying that Mel had the book and put the spell on the house? I didn't understand the lines about luck.

Is Mel evil?
DinaK chapter 4 . 8/24/2011
really nice!update soon!
DinaK chapter 3 . 8/21/2011
what the heck?

this is great!keep going!
ari92 chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
So far this is really good .. I hope you update soon ! :D
DIMD chapter 2 . 8/18/2011
This is a really good story so far and I'm very curious as to what is going to happen next! Hope to read more soon :D
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