Reviews for Aftermath
End chapter 22 . 7/12/2013
that ending really pissed me of :(… how does the war get resolved? Will the humans except the pets that fell in love with Them? Wth man? Wth? But I freakin loved this story. wish it was longer... or a movie... actually both.
Love ya! Bye!
Guest chapter 4 . 7/12/2013
heh, Babies
Lorana chapter 21 . 9/24/2012
I liked this story. In the beginning after Chelsea was taken you skipped around a bit time wise. Which made her early relationship with Ryone very confusing. The way you had written it made it sound like they had sex on the first night. I suggest editing those chapters having no time-skip and just having the events happen in order so it's not as confusing.
GingerNeverDies chapter 12 . 9/17/2012
Let me start out by saying I love this story so far! I would only like to point out a sentence i found in chapter 12 "Do I just get tossed out with the garbage now cuz Holly is back?" i figured you would like to be aware of any errors :) But honestly since the first chapter you have had me enthralled with everything. Good job
Alice-of-the-Forgottens chapter 21 . 7/14/2012
NAT! XD I've missed you so much! :,) *glomp hug*
ANYWAY... O_O Yes! April's sister at last! xD *uber-excited face* I was wondering if we would meet her. :) I'm also glad Sean, Amy, and John found some "non-brainwashed" friends. They'll be okie dokies... As long as they don't get eaten by strangers. This is why we call it stranger danger. ;)
Yay, new story! *music note* _ I can only hope that it will someday be as muh-mazing as this one so's that I can reads it ALLLLLLLL, and then read it again. :P *sings Doom Song* I shall be waiting... _ In the closet! *hides* _O
Celtic-Memories chapter 21 . 7/14/2012
WOW some ending. I wonder what will happen with the human resistance.

Something tells me Nick's gonna have some majour role in your next story... I'm just guessing though :P

Anyways glad you finally got back to writing the last chapters. Hope you will check out some of my new sci-fi and supernatural and see if they're to your liking.
leavesfallingup chapter 21 . 7/13/2012
And thus the situation becomes even more complicated. And May doesn't even know that she is an aunt now, either.
Susan Holt chapter 20 . 2/6/2012
WHAT! Oh man! That was some action. I guess the ladies can be more intimidating and bold than men when they want to, huh? It was too bad Violet was raised like that and I truly felt sorry for her, but your mom is right. A lot of people have it difficult in their lives, that doesn't mean they have to turn into any kind of abusers. So, Holly is a badass... Kolle, you lucky son of a bitch! lol How many chapters do you have left for us? Is Violet's demise the last of the troubles for these guys? I distincly remember a group of teenagers arrivng at the new planet. What will happen to them?
DarkStar616 chapter 20 . 2/5/2012
Nadezzhda chapter 19 . 12/22/2011
Awwwwwww! Surino becomes a monster and April sees? Well, while you admit to being a little of a sadist, I admit to being a sucker for couples where the male is all strong and grrrr but the female makes him kind and soft and he hates himself but she forgives him! That probably didnt make much sense. OH WELL! Happy writing!
Susan Holt chapter 19 . 12/22/2011
You're free from school! Woo-hoo! *thumbs up*

We didn't get to see a lot of action in this chapter, but the dialogue was interesting. Now women can claim human males as pets? Where is the sign up line? Me wants in! LOL I just love how Surino loves April! *heart* I cannot wait to see him releasing the inner beast... it's for his kids, so it's alright if you ask me. Let him shred Violet to pieces! *evil bitch*

And Kolle... hmmm... thinking women were beneath him... poor Kolle, he has no idea, does he? Hahahaha I trust Holly will show him who's boss. I just hope he survives Ryone first.

Speaking of Ryone, I wonder exactly what his deal was with that Haydian woman. Hmm?

You have yourself a Merry Christmas and a lovely holiday time! :)
Ardina Falconhurst chapter 18 . 12/3/2011
Great chapter, glad to finally have an update :) though it did take me awhile to read it. College is very time consuming sometimes...even annoying at times. ;) Hope you continue writing this just as well as ya'll have been.

Keep up the great work!

Nadezzhda chapter 17 . 12/1/2011
Lol i picked up the princess bride reference right away! I looooooooooooove that movie/book!
Celtic-Memories chapter 18 . 11/25/2011
Great chapter, can't wait to see Violet in the story again.
Susan Holt chapter 18 . 11/24/2011
First of all, Happy Thanksigiving... eat your heart away. I'm not an American, but I love eating turkey. :) Congrats on the new boyfriend... I bet you will be ultimately inspired now. ;)

That was a cool chapter... glad to see those pregnancy hormones kiccking in badly into Chelsea's mood. Hahahaha I felt so bad for Holly at some point. It's a good thing everybody knows now though. I wouldn't want to be in Violet's place when Surino and Ryone storm into the house looking for her. I wouldn't want to be Kolle either, cause he might get his ass kicked by Ryone. I'd very much like to be in Chelsea's place at the beginning of the chapter... *evil* I hope Violet will not hurt the kiddies.

Very good job! :)
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