Reviews for Forgiving
Girlinblue24 chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
I like how this seems real. Like it could actually happen, you know?
LeRato chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
Oh wow! I def. Love! :D This was really good! You should write more. :)
Andene chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
I'm honestly really conflicted after reading this. First off, I hate that its a one shot. Secondly, I really liked it. It has so much potential, with the ending being so unresolved. Yes Nate got her friendship...but what happens next. I would have loved to see how it plays out and how the dynamic would change if they were to hang out as friends...and would Alexia's feelings change? How would Sawyer react?

Anyway, it was really good!
PaperWhite.Narcissus chapter 1 . 8/26/2011
Lovely story. Very few minor errors here and there, but overall, it's beautifully written. The forgiveness part of it was very convincing, and I found that I can really relate to Alexia. Very well done!