Reviews for Hey, A, I'm Gonna Pretend I Hate You
FreedomsCage chapter 6 . 9/15/2011
The poems are very honest, it makes me feel as if it's happened to someone and their expressing their feelings so that if that person ever sees this he'll know that he lost something.
the one who hums chapter 3 . 9/12/2011
This kind of sounds familiar. It doesn't EXACTLY relate to my life, because my situation didn't hurt this much, but I can relate. Someone I knew decided to up and like someone else, and have my best friend tell me. I refused to believe it until he told me himself, because I couldn't accept that I had done something so wrong that he would stop liking me, or that he wouldn't even have the guts to tell me what it is I actually did. But I really don't think it was me. I think HE changed.

So I get it. And it hurts when its not enough.