Reviews for Elle's Story
VeryLovely chapter 4 . 10/15/2011
Joseph 3. Thank goodness Elle got out of that brothel. I hope she finds her way home. Good job with story! Keep going!

VeryLovely chapter 3 . 10/15/2011
Oh my word! Elle's bad day has gotten worse. This is getting most excellent...onto chapter 4!

EverySilverLiningHasACloud chapter 3 . 10/12/2011
WTF I feel like I'm missing something!
VeryLovely chapter 2 . 10/1/2011
Oh, the plot thickens...;). Poor Elle, she is certainly having a bad day, isn't she? I'm curious to see why Darren has woken up next to her AND to find out where the roof has gone (I know I hate when my rook randomly disappears). Good job.

Miss-You-Too chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
This is a good start so far :) the only thing i have a problem with is the way you interpreted elle sadness when she found out about the cheating is that i didnt feel her sadness and disbelief for the situation...perhaps a bit more description and monologe would help? Anyway am curious where you take this so ill be looking out for updates :)
VeryLovely chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
This was very well-written and I appreciate that (most romance stories I have come across her are 0_0 to say the least). I also like the plot so far. Good job.


P.S. Would you mind reviewing my story? I always appreciate feedback and I'm not afraid to ask for it. :)