Reviews for Just Out of Reach
Guest chapter 2 . 4/14/2014
The story is kind of slow to start... I feel like it's too descriptive with not enough action. I found myself skipping paragraphs.
bren43050 chapter 17 . 4/11/2014
I really love this story! Cant wait to read more! Love the way you are telling this!
PandaRain chapter 1 . 8/4/2012
I actually had a little cry of sadness when I read the AN and when "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" inside my head.

Anyhoo, I'd like to say that this story is absolutely phenomenal and I love is so much. Beautifully written, and the character development is amazing. I love the relationship between Terence and Kieran, and I very much cried during Fidele's death. Granted, this should probably be posted on the most recent chapter (I just noticed I'm reviewing on the first chapter) but yeah. I hope to see it up again because this is one of those stories that I can read over and over again and never get tired of it. Thanks for sharing your story with the world!

Toodles and huggles
A.Collins chapter 17 . 8/2/2012
Whattt! That had to be the shortest chapter ever.
kissedbymidnight chapter 17 . 7/31/2012
I don't think it was to early for the scene. People have been waiting for it for a long time I think:) Nice to see Kieran start to defend himself and even Terence. Poor Terence was a little embarrassed about it, but I think Kieran made it worth it for him. I kind of wish that Kieran hand't gotten gloomy at the end. This was a surprisingly upbeat chapter, concerning their relationship. It would have been nice if the two of them could have enjoyed the glow for a little longer.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/30/2012
Darn. I was hoping for a threesome.
L. H. Lawson chapter 17 . 7/29/2012
It is one of your best chapters ever! I have never been more enthralled. I can picture myself in their world, and I can picture them in mine. I feel a close bond with both Kieran and Terence and want to keep them both safe. The action, the romance, the tension... all was sublime. You have nothing to fear about having fans in this quarter! I wish I had your talent.
bananaface chapter 17 . 7/28/2012
Thank goodness for the detail :) Haha. I wanna be Terence so badly right now! And even without the glorious sex, of course your readers wanna stick around, the plot is also brilliant. I was feeling quite defensive for the camp in this, where usually I don't much for any of them outside Kieran's bubble, so props to you! Wonder if some of Stotgard's men got away? And if so, will they just run out of the story, or will they seek revenge? Thanks for updating so quickly!
sfb chapter 17 . 7/28/2012
Hot hot hot. I love that Kieran was kind of innocent about the sex and got a bit embarrassed - Terence took really good care of him for once! And the leadup was so dramatic and exciting too! I think this is my fave chap :)

Guest chapter 17 . 7/27/2012
Can't believe you were nervous about this one, it was perfect! And so emotional!

Hopefully if someone copied your story then people would let you know. That's what's happened the only time I've heard about it. I don't think it happens that often though, I've never actually seen it happen anywhere. If it was happening all the time then no-one would post here, but there are tons of great writers who do. Try not to worry about it!

Kieran is growing up so fast lol. How quick before him and Terence get found out?

mozie chapter 17 . 7/27/2012
I will be in da minority, but I wish Stotgard wasnt dead - he was da only one who really got da dynamic between Kieran an Terence - I also think he over panicked - he shud have got away a safe distance before lettin Kieran go. He had da upperhand an he just let it go. I have a question for you - do you listen to music wen you write dis? If so, what? But I can't deny dat I'm happy for Terence, he's lucky!
chloe chapter 17 . 7/27/2012
I liked the end so much! I mean the actual end, where Terence wanted the 'public' display of affection and Kieran gave the warning! You summed it up so well, they are both in a more dangerous position now, so even though all the readers (including me) are delighted, we should be even more worried for them! I do kinda just want them to run away together now :S I'm trying to work out if they will act like boyfriends privately, or if Terence will keep getting told off by Kieran. Loved this chapter so badly! I'm going to keep reading it till you update next!
levomenthol chapter 17 . 7/27/2012
Does Kieran's heroism know no bounds? I love how much of a good king he would make, but I'm trying to figure out if Adamir was right in killing Stotgard, and if it was weakness on Kieran's part to not order/try to kill.

Having said that, seems like something of a miracle that Kieran survived all that, since he is wholly unused to battles. I loved how he was holding onto Adamir's shirt, that just seemed so cute! And I like how you played his nerves at aiding Adamir because he 'killed' Fidele last time he tried to help out!

Can't believe how far Terence and Kieran have come, and how adorable they were near the end!
Hcaer chapter 17 . 7/27/2012
Wilhelm is such an ass - how is Kieran responsible for the men's death! Obviously if his mum had hired the mercenaries, or if they were acting alone, it couldn't be the fault of the prisoner! He's so unkind to Kieran. Although it makes sense why he is. I wonder how he will react when he finds out Terence and Kieran are together. I wonder if he wouldn't mind Terence using the prince as long as there isn't a relationship, or if he would find any extra contact offensive, or troublesome for Terence. And Cataline's face too - that'll be awesome :) I wonder if Terence is gonna treat it all secretly or not. He's not really one for secrets! :) Loved this chapter so much, one of the best ever!
Guest chapter 17 . 7/27/2012

Such a fast update! Lovin' it. So glad Adamir didn't die, but can't believe that Terence trusts he didn't have anything to do with Kieran bargaining with Stotgard! Actually felt really bad for Cataline, but loved Terence's banter with her and about her to Stotgard! And those final couple of scenes... umph! It was actually incredibly romantic, and they both seemed emotionally into it, not just following their bodies. Fast update again please?
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